Some Healthy Food Fun: The Wanderlust Food Diaries (of a chronic daydreamer)
"Josephine in Paris"
On the Menu French (or more realistically) "Somewhat French" Recipes
Video Lynn Whitfield as Josephine Baker in "The Josephine Baker Story"
plus, Vintage Josephine Baker footage in the French Film "Zouzou"
"All my life, I have maintained that the people of the world
can learn to live together in peace if they are not brought up in prejudice."
--Josephine Baker
Long before Madonna, long before J-Lo's infamous "Green Dress",
Long before Samantha from "Sex in the City", Long before all the "new girls" (none of whom can hold my attention) i.e., Miley Cyrus, Nikki Minaj, Kim Kardashian, etc., there was Josephine Baker.
Its been over 40 years since her death, born in St. Louis Illinois in 1906 and died in 1975, now doubt Josephine Baker was before her time.
After doing some Vaudeville work in New York in the early 1920's , she eventually traveled to Paris, France, for a new venture, and opened in "La Revue Negre" on October 2, 1925, at the Theatre des Champs-Elysees. In Paris, she became an instant success for her erotic dancing and for appearing practically nude on stage.
A 1936 return to the United States to star in the Ziegfield Follies proved disastrous, despite the fact that she was a major celebrity in Europe. American audiences rejected the idea of a black woman with so much sophistication and power, newspaper reviews were equally cruel (The New York Times called her a 'Negro wench'), and Josephine returned to Europe heartbroken.
In essence, Josephine Baker got to live out the dream and metaphor that perhaps we all seek in one way or another. That is, to leave your old oppressive environment (St. Louis in the early 1900 in her case), and to find that place where there is freedom of expression (Paris in her Case)
To be honest with you, I have never been a super big fan of "totally" authentic French food, but at the same time, I love everything French. So in the spirit of Josephine Baker, since my blog is my place of "free expression", my "Cyber Paris", so to speak, here are some "somewhat French" recipes that I will enjoy making.......
French (or more realistically) "Somewhat French" Recipes
(for an American in Paris)
...and remember to keep it healthy, stick to Olive Oil (avoiding toxic oils like Canola), always use milk and cheese from grass fed animals, and avoid commercial meats, use only pastured meats and wild caught seafood....Breads and Grains? Since I eat so few grains (just went 5 months grain free), I just concede the point and try to find a quality bread, and I utilize papaya enzymes in home made capsules digest gluten.
Jouir !!!! (Enjoy!!!)
Below, more photos, and quotes from Josephine Baker
~stay healthy~
" I have never really been a great artist. I have been a human being that has loved art, which is not the same thing.
But I have loved and believed in art
and the idea of universal brotherhood so much, that I have put everything I have into them, and I have been blessed. " --Josephine Baker
"The things we truly love stay with us always, locked in our hearts as long as life remains." -- Josephine Baker
"The hate directed against the colored people here in St. Louis has always given me a sad feeling...
How can you expect the world to believe in you and respect your preaching of democracy when you yourself treat your colored brothers as you do?" --Josephine Baker
" To realise our dreams we must decide to wake up." --Josephine Baker
"Beautiful? It's all a question of luck. I was born with good legs. As for the rest... beautiful, no. Amusing, yes." --Josephine Baker
" We've got to show that blacks and whites are treated equally in the army. Otherwise, what's the point of waging war on Hitler?" --Josephine Baker
"Since I personified the savage on the stage, I tried to be as civilized as possible in daily life." --Josephine Baker
"He was my cream, and I was his coffee - And when you poured us together, it was something." -- Josephine Baker
"I'm not intimidated by anyone. Everyone is made with two arms, two legs, a stomach and a head. Just think about that." -- Josephine Baker
"...It looked very different from the Statue of Liberty, but what did that matter? What was the good of having the statue without the liberty, the freedom
to go where one chose if one was held back by one's color? No, I preferred the Eiffel Tower, which made no promises."
-- Josephine Baker, (comparing the Eiffel Tower to the Statue of Liberty)
"I wasn't really naked. I simply didn't have any clothes on." --Josephine Baker
" When I was a child and they burned me out of my home, I was frightened and I ran away. Eventually I ran far away.
It was to a place called France.
Many of you have been there, and many have not. But I must tell you, ladies and gentlemen, in that country I never feared.
It was like a fairyland place." --Josephine Baker
"I like Frenchmen very much, because even when they insult you they do it so nicely." -- Josephine Baker
" I shall dance all my life. . . . I would like to die, breathless, spent, at the end of a dance." -Josephine Baker
"Sail Forth. Steer for the deep waters only. Reckless O soul, exploring. I with thee and thou with me. For we are bound where mariner has not yet dared go. And we will risk the ship, ourselves, and all." --Walt Whitman
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