


  ~scroll down~



Duke University tests and ranks the effectiveness of 14 facial masks for COVID-19 protection...

Coronavirus (COVID-19)
What I've learned so far...

Worried About the Coronavirus?

Studies Link Hormone Disrupting Chemicals in Axe Deodorants and Body Sprays to Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer, and Other Ailments

Johnson&Johnson pays 4.7 Billion to women who claim to get Ovarian cancer from their baby powder

Black Women more likely to be marketed Beauty Products containing Toxic Chemicals


African-American Men at Higher Risk of False Positives in Prostate Cancer Testing

New Studies Reveal the Importance
of Zinc in Maintaining
Prostate Health

"Heal Thyself"
(Part 1)
My website vs. a sudden ailment

"Heal Thyself"
(Part 2)
My website vs. ANOTHER ailment

"Heal Thyself"
(Part 3)
Curing knee pain with my mind

"Heal Thyself"
(Part 4)
How I healed my Gum Disease


"Heal Thyself"
(Part 5)
How I cured my sleep issues

The Prostate Cancer Fighting "Fantastic Four" Pomegranate, Green Tea, Turmeric, Broccoli

Putting Monsanto in Your Vagina? Most Tampons contaminated with Toxic Glyphosate

It's "TIME" to take control of our Prostate Health

Ginger shown to be 10,000 more effective than Chemotherapy Drugs against Cancer

Sources starting to report that Prostate Screenings essentially useless


The Possible Dangers of Fitness Trackers

Wisdom Teeth Extraction
...is it as necessary as Dentists try to convince us?

"Murder my Medicine"
Dr. Jennifer Daniels exposes medical/drug industry practices

Prostate cancer screenings and mammograms, two double edged swords

Inventor of Prostate Test says he is "ashamed" the test has become a "Profit-Driven Health Disaster"

Rethinking Bad Cholesterol
Is it actually a "good healer"?


Toxin Levels in Women Drop Sharply Just 3 Days After
Switching to Organic Makeup

Massive amounts of imported medical drugs are being exposed as fake and untested

3,000 eggs later...
Cholesterol numbers still PERFECT!!!!

"Lycopene Unleashed"!
on Breast and Ovarian Cancer
(a cancer fighting nutrient)

Food for Thought:
Why I'm taking "A Knee" against
the Medical Industry

Men's Health:
Questioning the Necessity of Prostate Cancer Screenings


Food Based Gamma Tocopherol (Vitamin E) shown to fight Breast Cancer

Health and Safety Tips When Deciding to get a Tattoo

Breast Cancer Awareness
Are we "aware" of Mother Nature's solutions?

The dangers of Low Testosterone Topical Gels and other "Low T" medications

Black Sesame Seeds help fight Prostate Cancer

Another Cancer Killer?
Pine needles


Inventing Diseases....
drug companies inventing diseases to boost drug sales

Japanese American cancer rates come close to American cancer rates after adopting American Diet

Let's not start trying to prevent a headache by cutting off the head

Mens Health: Red Maca, the superfood that helps shrink the prostate

Another Cancer Killer?
Pueraria Mirifica,
a Breast Cancer Fighter

My Top 10 Breast Cancer Fighting Superfoods


The Oral Irrigator: Next level oral care, and AMAZING invention!!!

Vitamin D: a most critical nutrient in which many of us are unknowingly deficient

The EXTREME importance of "Food Based" Gamma Tocopherol
(Vitamin E) for Prostate Health

Another Cancer Killer? Guyabano (a.k.a. Soursop)

Earthing (Grounding): health benefits to “reconnecting” barefoot to Mother Earth?

Nature's Dynamic Duos:
Green Tea and Tomato (reduce prostate and ovarian cancer risk!!)


African American biochemistry may not be compatible with Western medicine

Culinary Argan Oil helps fight Prostate Cancer

Reishi Mushrooms: Nature's #1 ranked healer

Tapping into my health and healing "Life Force" energy, the Qi (pronounced "The Chee")

Maca, a Whole Food that addresses menopausal symptoms for some women

Thermography, a safer, better alternative to mammograms?


The mysterious case of the cancer free "meat eaters"

Nature's Dynamic Duos:
Raw Honey and Cinnamon (amazing health properties when combined!!!)

Eggshell Membrane works for my Joint Pain

The Apple Core, one man's trash, another man's cancer prevention

"Oil Pulling", simple, but "next level" oral care!!!

Gac, the prostate's best friend


Nature's Dynamic Duos:
Papaya and Green Tea (greatly reduce prostate cancer risk!!)

My theory why some cultures have lower rates of cancer than ours

The lady I met who could detect ailments simply by touch

Breast and Prostate Cancer Risks reduced by increasing omega-3 vs. omega-6 ratios in our food

Excessive Lead Found In Some Water Samples In All 50 States

Optimum Cholesterol Levels after 15+ eggs a week for over a year!!!


Apricot Seeds, is the solution to cancer in a simple seed?

Rediscovering Old Fashioned Tooth Powder with 3 Simple Ingredients

“Unveiling” the secret to reversing vision problems naturally (I’ve tried it, and it works…..so simple)

The "Ayurvedic Dosha Balancing", everyday smoothie (...and how it resolved my sleep problems)

The scientific community's responses to nature's cancer cures seems somewhat "Nutty"

Ray Allen's Advice to Duane Wade on addressing his injury plagued career: NUTRITION!!!


"Lycopene Unleashed"
(a "Prostate Friendly" antioxidant)

Cilantro helps remove mercury and heavy metals from the body!!!

My Top 10 Lowest (and Highest) Mercury Level Seafoods

Healthy Habits to Boost Fertility

Nutrients (and foods) for male vitality and well being (Part 1)

My Top 10
Breast Cancer Prevention Superfoods (Part 2)


Year One of "Grain Free Me"
....a backwards glance

Nutrients (and foods) for male
vitality and well being (Part 3)

My Top 10 Prostate Health Superfoods (Part 2)

Nutrients (and foods) for male vitality and well being (Part 2)

Nutrients (and foods) for male
vitality and well being
(Part 6)

The Devil in a Blue Dress
(Why I won't fall for the Viagra Woman's temptations)


Flu Shot? Thanks but no thanks...

Nutrients (and foods) for male
vitality and well being
(Part 5)

The Perks of Implementing Yoga

Record number of Americans getting injured due to mobile devices, mostly from walking into traffic

Your herbal supplements
might be a scam

New [Superfood] Kids on the Block
(Part 4)
Camu Camu


Your Gluten problem might be a Glyphosate problem
(a chemical sprayed on wheat)

Health Wisdom from the Ancients Alternative Medicine

My Top 10 Myths they Hardwired People to think about Cancer
(Part 1)

My Top 10 Myths they Hardwired People to think about Cancer
(Part 2)

Cancer causing Glyphosate popping up everywhere in our food supply .....sigh

Lead Found in 20% of American Baby Food Samples


My Top 10 Health
Benefits of the Coconut

Cancer Doctors Profit from Chemotherapy Drugs

Patient's Lives Matter!!!
Doctor caught making millions off false cancer diagnoses

Nutrients (and foods) for male
vitality and well being
(Part 7)

NFL Ball Players Take to Yoga
...to recover from injuries, prevent injuries, and extend careers

...for a Healthy Living


Men's Health: Ziggy Marley Shows his Gym and Fridge

Ms. Rashidat Owe, Vegan
...talks Detox, Veganism, Nutrition, and more

Black Seeds
...one of the most potent, healing Superfoods Known to man/woman

Farewell to ESPN's Stuart Scott

3 Tips for Using a Transitional Period to a Healthier Life

Recognizing Depression
...and ways to overcome it


Food for Thought:
Pinterest shuts down my Pinterest Board because of my Kolin Kaepernick article

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