My Top 30 Superfood “Power Rankings” (….numbers 11 thru 20)

Man!!! This project is harder than I thought,  but that’s a good thing…..

Any of the these Superfoods in my 11-20 “Power Rankings” could actually be in the Top 10, but I can’t squeeze them in, because I can’t drop any of my Top 10 Superfoods down!!!

But that’s good news!!! Because now,  my top tier of super-duper foods is really the Top 20, not the Top 10. The top 3-4 are [arguably] head and shoulders above the rest in health and healing power…..

…but any of these “Big Boys” in the Top 20 that you can consistently get into your regiment are a gift from Mother Nature, for health, wellness, and healing!!!


#20 – Chlorella

Smoothie Friendly ? :    Yes

The deep-green algae power is perfect for smoothies (though you can get it in tablet form), and is shown to detox the body, remove mercury and other heavy metals, it’s truly a miracle food. I’ll spare you the details, but the first two weeks I started taking it, I had this amazingly smooth and natural digestive cleanse, and started feeling simply awesome!
(click photo for more Chlorella info, with my recommended brands)

#19 – Pink Himalayan Salt

Smoothie Friendly ? :    No (but “workout water” friendly)

We actually should be consuming more salt than we do, not Morton Salt, which is nothing but Sodium, Iodine, and Toxins, but more real,  unprocessed Salt. Pink Himalayan salt has been sitting underground for a half billion to a billion years, and is unprocessed with its full mineral profile in its natural state, as nature intended it. A very important superfood, that is probably the easiest to switch over to.
(click photo for info on Pink Himalayan Salt)

#18 – Garlic

Smoothie Friendly ? :    No

Not only is Garlic good for heart health,  great for immune system, has great antioxidant properties, fights fungus and parasites in digestive system, a detoxifier, and great for skin, Garlic is being shown to be a powerful cancer fighter. In laboratory tests, garlic appears to kill leukemia cells as well as slow the growth of tumors in prostate, bladder, colon, and stomach tissue. It is one of 114 year old Bernando Lapallo’s 5 foods for a long healthy life. (click photo for info on benefits of Garlic)


#17 – Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon

Smoothie Friendly ? :    No

When you get into the depths of how Vitamin D deficiency and Omega-3 imbalances are two of perhaps a dozen root causes of Cancer and many other diseases, you will realize your Gourmet Grilled Lemon Salmon Kabobs perform “double duty” as a medicine as well. And don’t believe the general rumors about seafoods and mercury. Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon is so low in mercury, it is Recommended by the Alaska Dept. of Health to be eaten in Unlimited Quantities, and is even recommended for pregnant women!!
(click photo for info on benefits of Wild Caught Salmon)

#16 – Maca

Smoothie Friendly ? :    Yes

This Superfood is no less than a gift from the “Vitality Gods”, especially for those 40 years old and beyond. The rugged, turnip shaped superfood grows high in the Andes mountains at 14,000+ feet, where nothing else grows. Those harsh conditions had the plant evolve to be hearty, and packed with nutrients. Red Maca is gaining more attention as a major asset for Prostate Health and Male Libido. Yellow (the main, common Maca), is getting rave reviews by some women desperately trying to find some relief from pre-menopausal imbalances. One of many on this list that should be a “Top Ten-ner”, at least for people over 40.  (click photo for women’s Maca article)


#15 – Green Tea

Smoothie Friendly ? :    Yes

Another superfood that probably should be in the Top Ten, based on its infinite healing capabilities. The only reason I don’t have it in my Top 10 is because it contains caffeine, and some of my family and friends say it makes them edgy and affects their sleep, similar to coffee. I personally don’t have those problems with it, so I guess it depends on individual body chemistry. Many studies in the far East show that this superfood is a heavy duty cancer fighter. You can brew it and put in the fridge, and add to your smoothies, if you don’t see yourself ever becoming a true tea drinker, or create some amazing cold green tea drinks, like Green Tea and Coconut water with lime, and you can sweeten in the blender with UMF Manuka Honey or Coconut Palm Sugar
(click photo for benefits of green tea)

#14 – Pasture Raised Eggs

Smoothie Friendly ? :    No (Unless you’re the type to do the “Rocky Balboa” raw egg in the blender thing)

Eggs are underrated, at least to me, as the amazing superfood that they are. They are actually one of the most complete, and easily assimilated sources of complete protein known to man. And don’t be fooled by the myths that eggs cause high cholesterol, because I eat 20-30 eggs a week, and my cholesterol scores are perfect. I keep telling people, eggs are great for you, but often they are cooked in horribly bad oils, like Crisco, Wesson, fake commercial non-grass fed butter, and my arch enemy, Toxic Canola. Cook your eggs in Coconut Oil and you won’t have any issues, except what to do with your noticeably better health. You can get Pasture Raised Eggs at Whole Foods. Not cheap, but both “Good Health” and “Bad Health” are expansive. (click photo for benefits of eggs)

#13 – Rooibos Tea (a.k.a., South African Red Tea)

Smoothie Friendly ? :    Yes

Might be surprised that I put this unknown but readily available on Amazon tea higher than green tea, but when you do your homework, you might see how the nutrient profile and potential for health and healing by far surpasses Green Tea (its 50x more antioxidant power than Green Tea, is one example). Another reason is it is Caffiene Free. Even if you are not a tea drinker, you can brew it and leave in the fridge as the base liquid for your smoothies, and it makes great cold drinks, like Rooibos and Coconut Water, and you can sweeten in the blender with UMF Manuka Honey or Coconut Palm Sugar. One of the superfoods that gave me a noticeable sense of “well being” when I first started drinking it. Was so positively bizarre, I was hearing my music with more clarity, laughing more, dancing around the house, AWESOME STUFF!!!! (click photo for the benefits of Rooibos)

#12 – Pomegranate

Smoothie Friendly ? :    Yes

Pomegranate’s Health and healing powers are somewhat endless, but one thing worth mentioning here, is the pomegranate is kinked to fighting breast cancer in women, fighting prostate cancer in men, and many other forms of cancer. I think we all have instincts this exotic fruit has a powerful punch, the challenge is getting it in consistently. Once again, that’s where daily smoothies comes in. And if you can’t do it fresh every day, get it in powder form (but watch for powders laced with other ingredients like Maltodextrin). My Whole Foods fortunately has Woodstock Frozen Pomegranate Kernels, to give a healthy tasty, fruity boost to my smoothies (click photo for more Pomegranate benefits)


#11 – Papaya

Smoothie Friendly ? :    Yes

Might seem strange this inconspicuous fruit cracks the Top 20, but when you do your homework, you’ll find the health and healing potential and power of this amazing fruit is literally endless. Also, papaya has many cosmetic uses, in facial masks and so forth, for youthful looking skin. One important “Papaya Power” capability that is not promoted enough, is papaya enzymes help digest gluten. The Papain enzyme in Papaya leaves helps digest meat, and wrapping meat in Papaya leaf is a traditional, natural meat tenderizer in many cultures around the world. All parts of the papaya plant have health and medicinal value. Studies in Latin American show papaya as the only food in the 14 studied, that halted breast cancer cell growth. Papaya is rich in Prostate Cancer fighting  antioxidant Lycopene. Papaya seeds are said to fight intestinal parasites and cleanse the liver. Probably the most powerful underrated fruit just sitting there in the fruit and produce section of the supermarket. Although most people can’t eat fresh papaya consistently, you can get a quality papaya powder for your smoothies. (click photo for more info on Papaya)


jump over to……
Top 30 Superfood “Power Rankings”
(…..numbers 1 thru 10)


jump over to……
Top 30 Superfood “Power Rankings”
(…..numbers 21 thru 30)

~stay healthy~

click here or below to see
all my Top 10 Lists

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all my articles in “Eat Smart” Copyright Disclaimer: Right to use photos claimed under: Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use

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“Body”, (Part 48)
a.k.a. “Watching You”
(…a “Locked Down” Summertime Slideshow)

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Bento Box Turkey Club
Roll Ups

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“Misty in Manhattan”
(Ballerina Misty Copelnd gives a tour of her Manhattan Home)

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Paleo Cod Lettuce Wraps

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“Dressed to Grill”
…Sophisticated Skewers (Part 11)

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Cucumber Avocado Wraps

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“Music is the Best Medicine”
“P.D.A. (We Just Don’t Care)”
-John Legend

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Jamaican Jerk Skewers

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Ms. Rashidat Owe, Vegan, talks Detox, Fitness and how Yoga saved her life from Drug Abuse

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Chicken and Avocado Sandwich Bento Box

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“It’s a Beautiful Day”
(…for Ziggy Marley’s Pancakes)

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Moroccan Chicken Skewers

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Home Cookin’ !!!
(Great Homes, Great Food!!)
Healthy, Tasty Wraps, featuring
Kim White’s Cozy 296sf Crib…

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Cilantro-Lime Chicken Wings

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Cheesy Avocado Toast

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Black Owned “Foot Print Farms” in Mississippi Gets Meals to Children During the COVID-19 Crisis

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Healthy Herb Fries

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Girl Talk:
Beauty Secrets from Africa
(Part 3)

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Orange and Avocado Salad

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Cool Fitness Gear!!!
(Part 4)

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Fifteen Creative Five Ingredient Smoothies

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Fifty+, Fit and Fabulous!!!
Angelique Miles, Age 53 !!!
Wellness “Influencer”

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Pan Fried Cod in a Citrus Basil Butter Sauce

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African American Men are at High Risk of ‘False Positives’ in Prostate Cancer Screening

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Sheet Pan Roasted Spring Veggies with Eggs

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Planning the Perfect “Picnic Date” at an Esparanza Spalding Concert

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Chocolate Espresso Waffles

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“Sustainable Lenny” !!!
(…a sneak peek inside Lenny Kravitz’s Farm and Ranch)

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Collard Wraps with Citrus Slaw

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Beauty products marketed to Black Women more likely to contain toxic chemicals (…says a recent study)

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Spicy Chicken Meal Prep

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One Woman’s Journey into Fighting Acne With Essential Oils

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Lemon Chicken with Asparagus and Potatoes

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Black Sesame Seeds help fight Prostate Cancer (…easy to add to daily Smoothies!!)

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Eggs Fried in Bell Peppers

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Ballerina Misty Copeland’s
Five Ways She Eats, Trains and Lives Healthy

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Mediterranean Chopped Salad with Lemon Garlic Shrimp

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Men’s Natural Body Care
(…becoming an all-natural, GQ “Smooth Operator”)

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Farmer’s Market Salad

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Girl Talk: Natural Contraceptive Methods

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My Top 30 Superfood
“Power Rankings”
(….numbers 1 thru 10)

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Visual Medicine…
Amazing Street Dancers

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Rainbow Veggie Skewers

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“Loves Times Love”
(..a Bright Brooklyn Wedding Affair)

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Turmeric Fruit Salad

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Putting Monsanto in Your Vagina?
…Many Tampons Contaminated with Toxic Glyphosate Herbicide

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Mushroom, Egg, and Spinach Breakfast Wraps

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The Prostate Cancer Fighting “Fantastic Four” : Broccoli, Turmeric, Green Tea, Pomegranate

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Sheet Pan Sweet Potato Hash

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Toxin Levels in women drop sharply  just 3 days after switching to natural makeup  (…a recent study says)

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Simple Baked Italian Oregano Meatballs

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The “Gangster Gardener”
He plants food gardens on vacant lots all over South Central L.A.

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The “Green Goddess” Sandwich

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Men’s Health: Nutrients for Male Vitality and Well Being (Part 7)

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Chicken, Cucumber and Avocado Salad

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“The Wanderlust Food Diaries”
“Grab Your Hat, Here We Go”
…to Bajacu Villa, Turks and Caicos
Menu: another Tropical Lunch

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“Hanging” With India Arie
…On St. Lucia Island, Caribbean
Menu: Vegetarian Kabobs

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“Clean Eating” Bento Boxes

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Potato, Pepper, and Egg Skillet

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New Study Reveals Importance of Zinc in Prostate Health

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Summer Glow
“Buddha Bowl”

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Dinner and a Movie:
On the Menu: Healthy Philly Cheesesteak

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Almond Banana Pancakes

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Health and Safety Tips When Getting a Tattoo

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See all articles in “The Healthy Chef’s Cookbook”
(The Art of Food)

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See all articles in “Eat Smart”
(The Science of Food)

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The GAIA Health Blog
Ranked in Top 100 Health Blogs!!!

…and top 100 Natural Food Blogs for 2018

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(BELOW) Links to my favorite sites who are ”Raging Against the Machine”
(and also some fun cooking blogs)

One Bold Soul: Artist and Writer

(…”Healthy but Smart” is one of the best websites I’ve found, if you want to find unbiased, informative, and understandable research and info on superfoods and so forth, to aid in taking your health back!!)

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(same name, different blog, no need to fight about it)

Real Food Freaks

Kim’s “Nutritionally Well”

Special ‘shout out’ to this food blogger. Totally different style than me, but my favorite food blog in creativity. She inspired me to start my ‘Dinner and a Movie’ and “Wanderlust Food Diaries’ articles.


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