I apologize in advance because this recipe is not perfected, but I just wanna throw it in my "Healthy Chef's Cookbook" as I do with everything, and update the recipe as I master it for myself.
Besides, everybody's version will be different, you know. I'm not even sure if this is Ratatouille or not, let's not split hairs, but when I finish perfecting it, it will be something totally new.
The cool think about this idea is that zucchini, tomato, and eggplant that I started with is not cast in stone…I'm not a big believer in the "letter of the law" with following recipes.
I'm more of a "Freestyle" kinda recipe guy, like what can I do with what I grabbed from a farmer's market…..
freestyle tomato, eggplant, and zucchini baked, (or your fav') veggie stacks
organic tomato slices (thicker slices worked better for me)
organic zucchini slices
organic eggplant slices
….swap in any veggies that work for your own "freestyle" such as organic onions. I might also suggest some thin slices of sweet apple or sweet pears, it makes a cool "curve ball" for your guests taste buds,
3 cloves of garlic
1 small onion finely diced or cut into half rings
4 or so sprigs of your fav' herbs
(I'm kinda into this rosemary right now cause it's in my garden, but whatever your "freestyle" dictates, basil, thyme, oregano, or whatever else is your thing)
1/2 cup more or less of olive oil
(never be afraid to use as much real olive oil as you want, very healthy!!!)
optional grass fed cheese cut into poker chip size circles or squares.
(if you don't feel like all that, you can grate some grass fed cheese of choice over the top)
AVOID CONVENTIONAL CHEESE LIKE KRAFT UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES, or the whole point of healthy delicious eating is defeated. Whole Foods always has some amazing grass fed cheeses. You may have to ask which ones because they are often not labeled as such
Pink Himalayan Salt (preferably from a salt grinder), or alternately Celtic sea salt
Coarse ground black pepper (preferably from a pepper grinder)
….there a a couple ways to do this I guess, but here is how I last did it
roast or saute your garlic and onions in a little olive oil (I'm finding that roasted/sauteed garlic and/or onions really sets vegetable dishes out)
Add some olive oil to a baking dish, perhaps a half a cup. Add your onions and garlic to the olive oil. Grind (or sprinkle) some coarse ground black pepper and Pink Himalayan Salt into the mix. I like to lay my stack of veggies on their side in the baking dish, ideally, the baking dish would be as wide as each individual stack with a little room to spare in each stack to add the cheese between some of the veggies.
Add a few more sprigs on top and drizzle with more olive oil and pepper. Bake in the oven at 350 or so, how much time really depends on how cooked you like the veggies to be. I will add my cheese near the end because I don't like the cheese to fully melt to near liquid, if it is baking for a half hour or so.
If style points count, the trick is to stand the stacks on plate to serve, it worked for me to stand them up in the pan when done, give them a slight smash with a spatula, and then transfer to plate. If you can become a pro at that trick, it always looks cool to do that in front of your guests.
The reason I mentioned the Salt and Pepper grinders in the recipe, is because the guest always seem to get a thrill when you grind a little salt and pepper right in front of their eyes, like at a restaurant
….I suppose you can also do this treat raw, but I'm really feeling the baking right now, but I like to keep my "raw foodie" skills up to par for raw foodie friends.
…..would also like to do it on the grill when I figure out how to make that happen, one day I'll "Freestyle" it like that
The Sylvers: "Freestyle"
You can ignore this song if you want, Just posting it with my "Freestyle" Recipes. I like to listen to music when cooking
I don't think anybody liked it, or even remembers it, but me {chuckle}.
I'm always on my own blog reading my own recipes and archiving my favorite music. Recently deceased Sportcaster Stuart Scott said ….."Always leave a piece of yourself in your work"
Anyhooz, thanks for stopping by
~stay healthy~
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