….I apologize to the Tumblr page that I pulled this from, because I didn't save that info the give appropriate credit, but hope they just appreciate me spreading the "wellness love".
Good guide to make a personal trail mix to carry with, along with a piece of fruit to keep you going to the next real meal, and avoid buying junk while you are out. And a few additional my fav's below.
Snacks with Benefits
Brown, Golden & Ground Flax seeds – Contains ALA or Omega 3 (2.1g/tbsp – Golden; 2.5g/tbsp Brown), Regulates blood sugar, Lowers cholesterol, Protects against Cancer (colon and breast), Reduces Inflammation in the arteries
Sunflower Seeds – Great source of Vitamin E (antioxidant, meaning fights free radicals), and lowers bad cholesterol
Peanuts – Lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) and raises HDL (good cholesterol), Good source of protein, Balanced monounsaturated fatty acid food, Good source of B-Vitamins as well as minerals. Side Note: Make sure to limit to 100g per day, choose an organic brand and remember it’s a food that will increase your blood sugar if in excess; therefore should be a balance with the rest of your foods.
Poppy Seeds – Good balance of unsaturated fatty acids, Good source of Zinc, Calcium and Magnesium, Low in Calories and a great Carbohydrate
Pistachios – Lowers LDL and raises HDL, Anti-inflammatory, Good source of Vitamin B6 and Vitamin E
Almonds – Lowers LDL and raises HDL, Healthy fat for brain health, Heart and bone health, Anti-inflammatory, Full of vitamins and Minerals (Vitamin E) and energy booster
Sesame Seeds – Lowers blood pressure, Improves digestion health, Great for heart and bone health, Full of Vitamins and Minerals
Walnuts – Reduces cravings, Full of antioxidants, Brain health, Lowers LDL and raises HDL, Good source of ALA (good fat), and Rich in Vitamin E
Hazelnuts – Good Fats (Brain & Heart health), Good source of Vitamin E, Reduces cravings (weight-loss management), and Full of antioxidants
Pine Nuts – Good source of Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Vitamin B2, Zinc and Potassium, Full of Antioxidants, Reduces cravings, Anti-inflammatory, Good source of fiber and protein
Wheat Germ – Full of essential vitamins and minerals, High in fiber and protein. Side Note: Can cause weight gain because it is calorie dense food. Not recommended for those on a Gluten Free diet.
Brazilian Nuts – Very rich in Selenium (overall human health), Reduces the risk of heart disease and Reduces cravings. Side Note: Over consumption will cause weight gain (40g every other day or twice a week). Keep Selenium to the recommended amount, if there is an increase of Selenium in the body it can cause fatigue, stress and irritability.
Cashew Nuts – Great source of Protein, Vitamins and Minerals, Full of good fats (Brain and heart health), Reduces cravings, and a good source of Fiber
Pumpkin Seeds – Good source of Potassium and Magnesium, Full of Protein and Antioxidant, Reduce blood sugar, Good source of Zinc and Omega 3 and Reduce the incidence of BPH (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy) – a condition in which the prostate gland becomes enlarged.
My personal fav's additions to this list……..
Goji Berries – Very nutrient dense berry, high in Vitamin C, said to aid in longevity, clear shin, and many more benefits. read more.
Hunza Raisins – Simply my favorite for trail mix, sweet and juicy beyond description, added to salads, after workouts to replenish sugars, I call them "Nature's Candy". Most Whole Foods have these in their bulk nuts and dried fruits section.
~stay healthy~
click here or photo below for all my articles in "Eat Smart"
4 Responses
Really enjoying this website. So much great info. Love the artwork. Very well done
Hi Marlena,
This is a not for profit, ad-free blog, and comments like yours are my only payment. Comments always mean a lot to me in that the “Art of the Wellness Blog” is my passion.
So, much appreciated, and I hope you get one or two healthy tidbits out of the site, along with just a pleasant web browse !!!
~stay healthy~
Doug at Gaia Health Blog
Sunflower seeds healthy snacks and offer health benefits due to their vitamin B-1, or thiamine, content. Thiamine activates enzymes within your cells, helping to drive chemical reactions your cells need to function.
Hi Sahil,
Thanks for the info. Good to know. I’m atually eating sprouted sunflower seeds every, sprinkled in my dauly salad and a fe wien I eat some cashews throught the day, and I love them.
~stay healthy~