….there are some VERY good holistic, natural alternatives, READ ON!!!!
I saw another "Low T" (low testosterone) commercial yesterday, the one with the rugged looking cowboy with the handsome head of grey hair, and I realized I can't take anymore of this "false advertising".
The well crafted commercials, to me, do nothing but show a "scrupulous" pharmaceutical drug industry playing games with this particular male condition.
However, with a little research, experimentation, and understanding, this condition can [and should] be addressed naturally, and holistically.
These "Low T" gels are supposed to restore proper testosterone levels to middle aged men, which in turn should help with low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, lack of energy are all the rest. I went into an in-depth study on one of them named AndroGel, and I ask you fellas………
Would you really put something in your body with the following side effects that have been reported by AndroGel?
burn-like blistering of the skin where the transdermal patch is worn
skin irritation with patch-wearing that does not get better with time
problems with urination
swelling of your ankles
frequent, prolonged, or bothersome erections
stomach pain
low fever
painful breast
all sorts of dangers for women or kids who come in contact with the product
sleep apnea
blood clots
enlarged prostate
loss of appetite
dark urine
clay-colored stools
jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes)
burning, or hardened skin where the skin patch is worn
breast swelling or tenderness
increased acne or hair growth
depressed mood
…..believe or not, the list goes on and on
We don't actually "lose" testosterone as we get older
Fellas, we gotta start educating ourselves and putting a little energy into those things pertaining to our own wellness. If you took a weekend, while watching some football and having a cold beer, you might find a some very interesting about Testosterone such as……….
Testosterone is not actually lost as we get older, but is is moreso "locked up" in the body and bloodstream, kinda like being shacked to a post as opposed to its normal free state. This is why when you get a testosterone test, the main number of concern is your "Free Testosterone".
The natural solutions I mention below work to free up that bound testosterone already in us, more on that in a second…..
Vitamin D, the Holy Grail for Male Wellness
I'm not just cutting and pasting something off the web here, I'm writing on things that I, (and another married male friend) have tried. If you want to address these "male issues" and don't know where to start, you GOTTA get into Vitamin D supplementation.
Vitamin D supplementation is not like taking Viagra or Cialis, or any of these stupid and dangerous topical testosterone gels, it's an overall holistic approach to male wellness.
Up Periscope
Vitamin D helps free up natural testosterone in the body, helps bring back male vitality, and helps with overall well being, naturally and smoothly. I hope not TMI, but when I started supplementing with Vitamin D, I was "up periscope" with my erections every morning (at age 52).
…remember you have to couple something like this with healthy diet, exercise, and all the rest. DON'T LOOK AT THIS AS AN ERECTION PILL, OR YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT!! Look at it as a vehicle to re-establish a more youthful vitality, with one of the by-products of that being better erections and sex drive and all the rest
Dancing on the Ceiling
No joke or exaggeration when I say that one of the "Positive Side Effects" of Vitamin D supplementation, for both me an my married, "health nut" like me, male friend [age 51] is that we both were noticeably dancing around the house to music all the time. His wife, according to him, told him "I don't know what you're taking, but keep at it". My dancing was so exaggerated that I was finding it almost "bizarre", in a good way.
And neither one of us knew the other had this "happy man's", dancing on the ceiling condition until we happened to talk about it one day. He is the married and more sexually active of us two 🙁 , and we don't talk about the details of sex and all that, but he says he's a "new man"…….I'll be glad when I can do some real "lab work" for this experiment…..
I wrote an article on Vitamin D and increasing Testosterone levels,
….I wrote an article on Vitamin D, but I no longer recommend Vitamin D pills because they don't work for me, nonetheless, that article can be found here.
In pill form, both Vitamin D doesn't "Feel Right" with my system. It keeps me up at night, and give me mild headaches, and get me a little too "wired". My best friend and fellow health nut takes Vitamin D pills and loves them, so this has to chemistry thing. THE GOOD NEWS, is I got my morning erections back after that "bad reaction" I mentioned above, when I went started only raw foods (including some great superfoods like Black Sesame Seeds, Gac, Argan Oil, and Red Maca), foods plus Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon (Which is high in vitamin D). I'll be writing more about this in March 2014…stay tuned)
Also note that Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon is my major natural source of Vitamin D, and other than the sun, I think Salmon is sufficient for me (though I eat it almost every day). I also found that wildly high Vitamin D scores of 80, 90 and so forth, may not be necessary, in that one researcher notes that the highest average Vitamin D scores of any tribe or culture around the word is the (surprising dark skinned) Massai Tribe in Kenya, with average Vitamin D scores in the low 40's
( I apologize that I cant provide a link to that research because I forgot where I found it, though I will try to look for it). Nonetheless, my recent Vitamin D scores from daily wild caught salmon was in the high 30's, not bad for an African American Male living in northern climate, who can't get much Vitamin D from the sun.
Fellas, let's face it, we have been "duked" by the pharmaceutical industry on these "Low T" and Erectile Dysfunction issues. We can take our freedoms and lives back by looking into this matter on our own.
I know for me, the universe ALWAYS guides me to the information I need to keep me happy and healthy……….and I'm sure it will for you guys as well.
Good luck, and trust me when I say nature gives us the answer to these issues, if we just take them……
~stay healthy~
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