Archive: February, 2013

Roasted Olive Oil Tomatoes with Manchego and Basil

I literally hated tomatoes growing, up but I can't get enough of fresh organic tomatoes now. And I have learned about tomatoes being rich in the prostate cancer fighting antioxidant Lycopene, so I get super health benefits along with super "taste bud" benefits. But I don't get into the science of it in my recipe […]

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Food for Thought: To the mind that is still

Just sharing a pic (and a quote)                                                                                       ~stay healthy~ "To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders." -Lao Tzu

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Everything you need is already inside

just sharing a pic                                                                                                        […]

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The Greatest Invention Since The Wheel: The Oral Irrigator, Next Level Dental Care!!!

Only a "slight" exaggeration Okay, greatest invention "since the wheel" is an exaggeration. However, I have been using an oral irrigator for four years now and it is the most amazing thing I have run across. I did write a while back how I used it to totally reversed and heal my advanced staged periodontal […]

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New in “The Wanderlust Food Diaries”: “In a Big Country” (remembering my time in Connecticut with the Lighthouses of the East Coast)

On the Menu: Lobster Rolls When I was living in Connecticut, I took a "less than memorable" date for a drive out to Rhode Island to see one of my childhood fascinations…Lighthouses. My date (can't remember her name), wasn't feeling it, but it was an awesome trip to me. Plus, I had the best sandwich […]

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Fifty+, Fit, and Fabulous!!! – A.J. Johnson, Age 54 (She lives around the corner from the Fountain of Youth)

A.J. Johnson is 54 as of January 2, 2017. Thus, I officially grant her membership into my Elite Club, (see all the ladies in the  links at the bottom)…. We must have been twins separated at birth, A.J. Johnson was the lady who actually inspired me to start my website. We both have that endless […]

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Vitamin D: “Shedding Some Light” on this MOST critical nutrient for health and wellness (in which many of us are unknowingly deficient)

This true conversation with me and one of my former Doctors might shed some light on why I am so passionate about Vitamin D……. Doug (me): "I would like a Vitamin D test as part of this physical" Doctor: ""Blue Cross does not pay for Vitamin D tests, so it will cost you $254" Doug: […]

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Girl Talk: Ayurvedic Skin Care (beauty is not skin deep, it goes much deeper…………)

I was inspired to write this post by the story I read the story of a lady that struggled with cystic acne, so painful at times that she couldn’t touch her own face. Doctors gave her antibiotics but the antibiotics gave her yeast infections. She eventually heard about Pratima Raichur, an ayurvedic consultant in Manhattan […]

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Dressed for [Fitness] Success

Just sharing a cool pic (as I occasionally do)                                                                ~stay healthy~

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“Lazy Sunday Morning” Breakfast skillet with Salmon, Eggs, Potatoes, and other good stuff!!!!!

I realized as much as I love salmon (no exaggeration, in any given month over the past 5 years, I eat it no less than 26 out of 30 days),  just realized I don't have any salmon recipes on the blog. This recipe is to help with my "withdrawal symptoms" from football season, when I […]

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New in Dinner and a Movie: “The 300”

On the Menu: Greek Tacos As much as I love my historical realism, especially in military movies, this move was the total opposite, with monsters, phantasm, and all the rest, but was "brilliantly creative" and one of my personal favorites. To go to the post click on either picture or click here  

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“Unveiling” the secret to reversing vision problems naturally

I thought these amazing veiled ladies from all over the world might help hold your attention for a few minutes while you stop on this post, and I think it a good way to emphasize that most important but most taken for granted body organ, the eyes. In one sentence, we have to get glasses […]

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Apricot Chicken

…..One of my "Cast Iron Pot" style treats, eat a little now, eat a little later. Anyone who knows my blog knows that I swear by the inner seed of the Apricot for cancer prevention, which contains B17, a nutrient abundant in cultures and races that had low cancer rates. However, the apricot flesh has […]

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Another Cancer Destroyer? Guyabano (a.k.a. Soursop)

I'm not one prone to get wrapped up into "urban legends", "old wives tales", "nutritional scams", and all the rest, too much meticulous "research-ability" (if that's a word) in my nature, and I know in my heart and instincts that the Guyabano plant is truly a miracle healer. It kills me when I continue to […]

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Body, (Part 6), a.k.a., “You Look Good to Me” (“Eye Candy” for my female readers)

Geez……… I was kinda half joking when I apologized for having no "eye candy" for my female readers (the majority of my followers BTW), when I posted the "all female hottie" post, Body Part 5, a.k.a. "She's Strange". I just casually said I would create a post for the ladies after you guys sent me […]

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I Love Buying Local

………..just sharing a pic (after buying some local Washington State Apples) ~stay healthy~

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Earthing (Grounding): health benefits to “reconnecting” barefoot to Mother Earth?

Does this "newfangled" concept of going barefoot on the grass, ground, water, or sand supposedly have health and healing benefits? Maybe it's an "old-fangled" concept back from eons past being rediscovered? I truly think there is something to it, and I seldom write about anything that I haven't at least tried to put into practice. […]

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Body (Part 5), a.k.a., “She’s Strange”

The term "She's Strange" tried to take root back in the 1990's, as a compliment, when a guy would consider a woman different, eclectic, eccentric, out of the norm in style/personality/dress/hair and otherwise, sometimes excessively tattooed, but not "scary", and all in all still sexy and appealing for some "Strange" reason.

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“Body”, (Part 48)
a.k.a. “Watching You”
(…a “Locked Down” Summertime Slideshow)

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Bento Box Turkey Club
Roll Ups

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“Misty in Manhattan”
(Ballerina Misty Copelnd gives a tour of her Manhattan Home)

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Paleo Cod Lettuce Wraps

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Pinterest shuts down my Pinterest Page because of my Kolin Kaepernick article

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“Dressed to Grill”
…Sophisticated Skewers (Part 11)

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Cucumber Avocado Wraps

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“Music is the Best Medicine”
“P.D.A. (We Just Don’t Care)”
-John Legend

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Jamaican Jerk Skewers

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Ms. Rashidat Owe, Vegan, talks Detox, Fitness and how Yoga saved her life from Drug Abuse

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Chicken and Avocado Sandwich Bento Box

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“It’s a Beautiful Day”
(…for Ziggy Marley’s Pancakes)

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Moroccan Chicken Skewers

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Home Cookin’ !!!
(Great Homes, Great Food!!)
Healthy, Tasty Wraps, featuring
Kim White’s Cozy 296sf Crib…

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Cilantro-Lime Chicken Wings

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Michael B. Jordan Reveals his Body Transformation Secrets for “Creed” and “Black Panther”

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Cheesy Avocado Toast

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Black Owned “Foot Print Farms” in Mississippi Gets Meals to Children During the COVID-19 Crisis

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Healthy Herb Fries

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Girl Talk:
Beauty Secrets from Africa
(Part 3)

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Orange and Avocado Salad

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Cool Fitness Gear!!!
(Part 4)

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Fifteen Creative Five Ingredient Smoothies

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Fifty+, Fit and Fabulous!!!
Angelique Miles, Age 53 !!!
Wellness “Influencer”

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Pan Fried Cod in a Citrus Basil Butter Sauce

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African American Men are at High Risk of ‘False Positives’ in Prostate Cancer Screening

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Sheet Pan Roasted Spring Veggies with Eggs

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Planning the Perfect “Picnic Date” at an Esparanza Spalding Concert

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Chocolate Espresso Waffles

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“Sustainable Lenny” !!!
(…a sneak peek inside Lenny Kravitz’s Farm and Ranch)

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Collard Wraps with Citrus Slaw

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Beauty products marketed to Black Women more likely to contain toxic chemicals (…says a recent study)

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Spicy Chicken Meal Prep

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One Woman’s Journey into Fighting Acne With Essential Oils

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Lemon Chicken with Asparagus and Potatoes

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Black Sesame Seeds help fight Prostate Cancer (…easy to add to daily Smoothies!!)

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Eggs Fried in Bell Peppers

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Ballerina Misty Copeland’s
Five Ways She Eats, Trains and Lives Healthy

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Mediterranean Chopped Salad with Lemon Garlic Shrimp

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Men’s Natural Body Care
(…becoming an all-natural, GQ “Smooth Operator”)

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Farmer’s Market Salad

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Girl Talk: Natural Contraceptive Methods

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My Top 30 Superfood
“Power Rankings”
(….numbers 1 thru 10)

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Visual Medicine…
Amazing Street Dancers

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Rainbow Veggie Skewers

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“Loves Times Love”
(..a Bright Brooklyn Wedding Affair)

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Turmeric Fruit Salad

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Putting Monsanto in Your Vagina?
…Many Tampons Contaminated with Toxic Glyphosate Herbicide

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Mushroom, Egg, and Spinach Breakfast Wraps

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The Prostate Cancer Fighting “Fantastic Four” : Broccoli, Turmeric, Green Tea, Pomegranate

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Sheet Pan Sweet Potato Hash

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Toxin Levels in women drop sharply  just 3 days after switching to natural makeup  (…a recent study says)

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Simple Baked Italian Oregano Meatballs

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The “Gangster Gardener”
He plants food gardens on vacant lots all over South Central L.A.

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The “Green Goddess” Sandwich

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Men’s Health: Nutrients for Male Vitality and Well Being (Part 7)

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Chicken, Cucumber and Avocado Salad

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“The Wanderlust Food Diaries”
“Grab Your Hat, Here We Go”
…to Bajacu Villa, Turks and Caicos
Menu: another Tropical Lunch

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“Hanging” With India Arie
…On St. Lucia Island, Caribbean
Menu: Vegetarian Kabobs

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“Clean Eating” Bento Boxes

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Potato, Pepper, and Egg Skillet

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New Study Reveals Importance of Zinc in Prostate Health

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Summer Glow
“Buddha Bowl”

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Dinner and a Movie:
On the Menu: Healthy Philly Cheesesteak

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Almond Banana Pancakes

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Health and Safety Tips When Getting a Tattoo

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See all articles in “The Healthy Chef’s Cookbook”
(The Art of Food)

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See all articles in “Eat Smart”
(The Science of Food)

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The GAIA Health Blog
Ranked in Top 100 Health Blogs!!!

…and top 100 Natural Food Blogs for 2018

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(BELOW) Links to my favorite sites who are ”Raging Against the Machine”
(and also some fun cooking blogs)

One Bold Soul: Artist and Writer

(…”Healthy but Smart” is one of the best websites I’ve found, if you want to find unbiased, informative, and understandable research and info on superfoods and so forth, to aid in taking your health back!!)

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(same name, different blog, no need to fight about it)

Real Food Freaks

Kim’s “Nutritionally Well”

Special ‘shout out’ to this food blogger. Totally different style than me, but my favorite food blog in creativity. She inspired me to start my ‘Dinner and a Movie’ and “Wanderlust Food Diaries’ articles.
