Girl Talk: Thermography, a better alternative to mammograms?

….Disclaimer… is not my intent in this post such as this to give medical advice, but to present info on health technology since it is advancing so rapidly, thus helping us stay informed, allowing us to ask doctors intelligent questions, so we can effectively and interactively participate in the decision making pertaining to our own health and well being.

When I wrote my article…..

……"Prostate Cancer Screenings and Mammograms, two double edged swords", I didn't want to leave everyone hanging with typical "If the tests are ineffective and dangerous, then what do I do?" type questions.

In that article, I welcomed thoughts and suggestions and several women wrote me back about something called Thermography. A non invasive, painless and supposedly effective approach to breast exams. Of course, the mainstream medical establishment is not so enthusiastic about the new technology, but from corresponding with these women who use Thermography, those women seem VERY enthused.

Conventional medicine is stubbornly holding on……

…….to outmoded ideas of cancer detection and treatment, no matter how ineffective it’s been proven to be.  Mammography is (even by an increasing number of doctors and other medical experts), a perfect example of this stubborn head-in-the-sand approach to cancer screening.

It is even being thrown out there more and more that many, if not most physicians continue to recommend mammograms for fear of being sued by a woman who develops breast cancer after he did not advise her to get one………sigh

Health officials recommend…….

……that all women over 40 get a mammogram every one to two years, yet some medical experts are starting to say there is no solid evidence that mammograms save lives, and the benefits of mammograms are controversial at best.

This is an EXTREMELY heated debate……..

…..and arguable point, with billions upon billions of dollars at stake, mainly the bread and butter of mainstream medicine, The American Cancer Society, the FDA, The American Medical Association, "The Pink", and others.

Therefore women, (just as us men have to address prostate cancer), have to sit back and think a second about what is really going on here. Taking a half hour of our lives to think on this might help save our lives.

Thermographic screening is brilliantly simple.

It measures the infrared heat from your body and translates this information into anatomical images. Your normal blood circulation is under the control of your autonomic nervous system, which governs your body functions.

Thermography uses no mechanical pressure or ionizing radiation, and can detect signs of breast cancer as much as 10 years earlier than either mammography or a physical exam!

Whereas mammography cannot detect a tumor…..

…..until after it has been growing for years and reaches a certain size, thermography is able to detect the possibility of breast cancer much earlier. 

It can even detect the potential for cancer before any tumors have formed because it can image the early stages of angiogenesis — the formation of a direct supply of blood to cancer cells, which is a necessary step before they can grow into tumors of size.

Of course it seems, that the old establishment is less energetic…..

………about thermography. An American Cancer Society report Mammograms and Other Breast Imaging Procedures (2010) stated that

" But no study has ever shown that it is an effective screening tool for finding breast cancer early.  It should not be used as a substitute for mammograms. ".  Thermography is listed under "newer and experimental breast imaging methods" in this report

……I find the above statement strange since they are the ones who should be doing the studies but are not. Where is all that money from "the pink" going?.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA, 2011) stated that……

…….breast thermography should not be used instead of mammography, noting that thermography has not been approved as a stand-alone tool for breast cancer screening or diagnosis.  The FDA stated that "there is simply no evidence" that breast thermography can take the place of mammography.

However, many who understand the ways of means of the FDA are very cautious of any statement or recommendation that the FDA makes. The FDA is in bed with the medical industry and big business, one should consider that when digesting their statements

Read the fine print of the FDA statement…….

……. no one seems to be saying thermography is a "stand alone" tool.  If you review the doctor's explanation of thermography in the video below, he seems to say that termography is used in conjunction with other tools and techniques, depending on circumstances, test results, and other criteria determined by professionals.

In the end, it will be, as it should, and interactive, proactive, and individual aproach for each person. 

Who to believe?

Everyone has to make those calls for themselves, but it seems to me, the correct approach is for the individual to “Deep Dive” into this subject matter and see what’s best for them.

It seems the women who wrote to me are not waiting around for the structured testing of the AMA or ACS, or the FDA, because it seems those organizations have a vested interest in the old way of doing things.

Apparently, one big issue here is that few doctors will discuss your options.

I do sense, however  that the technology is well worth looking into, one woman wrote the following quote on my blog  “I worked for an MD that practiced Integrated Medicine and he also recommends Thermography.

He is also one of the rare doctors that will listen and discuss options. …… I totally agree with you that we need more discussion on these and so many other health issues!"

A lady named Christine wrote me……

……..with the following comment “Thermography definitely seems to be the way to go".  Breast thermograms can detect pre-cancerous issues MANY years before a mammogram, so the body can be healed naturally.   It is pain free and easy!

   I have just recently had my 4th thermogram, after a mammogram did NOT detect some abnormality in one of my breasts.  (actually it did, but it was ruled out after an ultrasound).”

Another woman wrote me back saying……

"There is an excellent book on this topic: Should I be Tested for Cancer? by Gilbert Welsh MD.  It is not too technical but offers detailed explanations of the actual odds and implications of discovering early cancers through screening.  

My own doctor is an internist who has been reading some of the recent literature and studies and has begun (quietly) recommending against mammograms, but she notes that you have to be able to live with yourself it you do turn out to be one of the few whose cancer might have been discovered early if you had been tested.

I’m not so much a conspiracy theorist…….

……. but I do believe that new technology, by it’s nature, will always be met with resistance by those profiting most from older technology.

Personally, I could never rely on the American Medical Association or the American Cancer Society to be at the forefront of new health and healing technology, unless it was their objective to put themselves out of business, leaving behind a healthy cancer-free world.

The individual, on the other hand, especially in the United States…….

…….possesses all the privilege to take control of our own decisions for what is best for us. There is too much logic and promise about Thermography to blow it off just because the AMA considers the science inconclusive.

In the end, just like toxins in the water, dangers of nonstick cookware, BPA lined cans and more, we all have to make sound individual choices for our health and wellness.

One final point and I'll let you go…….

…… that all this stuff "seems" to be complex and above our heads, but I go by the "Jury Duty" philosophy, in that if any of us adults were called to jury duty, we would be expected as competent adults to process information and make a sound decision on just about anything.

So it should be for our own health.

~stay healthy~

here is a video on Thermography, even though people may have issues with Mercola, and so do I with some subjects, I think this is valuable info.

Also check out, Dynamic Thermal Imaging, check out their website here for more information.





Special shout out to "The Laudun", Organic Elegance for your Skin. Natural organic cosmetics, whose Pintrest page is where I got most of the cool photography for this post. Shopping for pictures for this post was fun!!!!!!!




<<<<<Check out all of my articles in "Girl Talk"












11 Responses


Many Thanks Doug /Gaia Health Blog for the "Shout Out".
We TRULY appreciate it.  We are really loving your blog. 
It's also an inspiring place filled with a wealth of important  information.
Wishing you the best of success!
Cosmetiques Laudun


Most welcome, you inspired me as well. The photography inspired me to create that new section called “Girl Talk”, which I was rolling around how to approach it, since I have so many female readers. And now I got it, play to what women like fashion, style, clothing, bla,bla,bla. I’m having fun with it, a challenge for the Machismo types like me.


OMG thank you so much for a wonderful article on Thermography!!! This is the best article I have seen about it! I am the office manager for Dynamic Thermal Imaging here in Rochester NY. We are trying so hard to get the word out to women about the benefits of Thermography and you did a great job on presenting it to women. You are absolutely right in that women have to do the research and step outside what the normal is and do what they feel is safe for them. We so appreciate you writing this article!!!  I am going to share this on our facebook page and I am running out and subscribing to your magazine!! Thank you again!!
Have a great day!!!!
Carol Knapp


It’s just information I was compelled to share that women wrote to me about from my other article, “Prostate Exams and Mammograms, two double edged swords” I had never heard of it myself, and was surprised there is some choice and alternatives when it comes to mammograms


Doug-it is me again….sorry. I am so excited I forgot to ask.  May we get the written article only that I may print out and use at our presentations and such?
If not, that is ok, just thought I would ask.
Carol :0)


Glad to help. Let me see if I can get the text and send it to your gmail

My mother is a breast cancer survivor, and that was the beginning of my passion about this and all types of cancer. I remember when I was a teenager, I was semi-praying that If I could help in a solution to this type of disease, then give me some insight. Mean have the same fears and concerns with prostate cancer, so we’re all in the same boat.


…..just emailed it to you

Doug Wallace


Hi Doug –
I did not get an email from you. I may have written my email wrong the first time? Can you try to resend again?
Also I have been searching all over for the magazine…no one is carrying it. Is it through subscription only?
Thank you and have a good day!


I resent it to If you don’t get it, email me at so I have your email . BTW I don’t have a magazine, this is just a blog website.


also, I embeded the video from your website in my article and I linked to your website in the article as well. I hope more people look into this underused technology.


Small bits of content which are explained in details, helps me understand the topic, thank you!

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(BELOW) Links to my favorite sites who are ”Raging Against the Machine”
(and also some fun cooking blogs)

One Bold Soul: Artist and Writer

(…”Healthy but Smart” is one of the best websites I’ve found, if you want to find unbiased, informative, and understandable research and info on superfoods and so forth, to aid in taking your health back!!)

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(same name, different blog, no need to fight about it)

Real Food Freaks

Kim’s “Nutritionally Well”

Special ‘shout out’ to this food blogger. Totally different style than me, but my favorite food blog in creativity. She inspired me to start my ‘Dinner and a Movie’ and “Wanderlust Food Diaries’ articles.


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