Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon, contrary to perceptions of all fish, is relatively low in mercury

Don't lump Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon into the general perception that  all fish are high in mercury , or you will miss out on a one of the most nutritious foods available.

This subject matter is important in that Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon is such an important superfood that supplies omega-3 fats . Volumes of evidence exist that issues with cancer, diabetes, and other diseases stem from not enough omega-3 fats relative to omega-6 fats in the so called "Western Diet".

Quality Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon is also one of the more practical sources of Vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to  cancer and many other diseases, especially among African Americans, who consistently register low Vitamin D scores, since we can't get it from the sun as readily, due to darker skin.

A quality fish company, Vital Choice, freely discusses issues such as mercury levels with it's customers, as well as addressing other "socially conscious" food concerns, such as voluntarily removing toxic BPA linings from their canned products, supporting sustainable fishing practices, and more. They have had independent lab testing of their products to back up their claims about low mercury in their fish. And most important, THEY ANSWER QUESTIONS when contacted!!

…another note about Vital Choice is their canned salmon is delicious!!!! It has a deep orange oil and an an incredible taste; surprisingly fresh tasting for canned food. Not cheap, but very good relative to other canned fish!

A couple of "snippets" from my extensive research on this subject, most important to me since I consume salmon almost every day are below:

"mercury levels are very low in the most frequently consumed fish from Alaska, such as Salmon, Cod, Halibut, Pollock, Sole, and Herring. Mercury levels in Salmon are among the lowest found." (Alaska Division of Public Health, SOA 2001)

"Native Alaskans, who eat far more Salmon and fish than the average American, have not shown signs of mercury poisoning. Not one among the 359 Alaskan women of childbearing age (from 51 communities) showed unsafe mercury levels as a result of eating Alaska fish, according to tests conducted from 2002 through 2006" (SOA 2007)

Here is a chart of mercury levels of fish

Furthermore, since there is some mercury in all fish, as well as chicken, beef and everything else,  my personal "second line of defense" against mercury and other heavy metals in the body is to consistenly take chlorella in my daily smoothies. Chorlella is that deep-green micro algae available in powdered form. Interesting enough , algae is the same thing that salmon eat!!!

A very good link from Vital Choice addressing mercury levels in Wild Caught Alaskan Salmon can be found here

For my in-depth article evaluating mercury levels in all seafoods go here.

So, get some quality Wild Caught Salmon into your diet, eat up and enjoy with confidence!!!!!


~ stay healthy~


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posted to   Monday mania  fat tuesdays real food Wednesdays Freaky Friday , Fight Back Fridays

10 Responses


Excellent article Doug!


Thank you !!!!!!!!


Welcome back Doug . . . haven't seen you around in a while.  I do love my wild Alaskan Salmon.  I never liked seafood before.  Now that I am getting it from a reliable source I realize what I have been missing! 


Moved from Portland To Seattle and my computer broke down. So I tool a little blogging break, which is a good time to read other people blogs.


Yeah, my puter broke this summer too.  I felt like I lost my best friend.  It was sad.  🙁  I think it gives me perspective when I am able to step away from it though.  There's a whole world out there outside of the puter, did you know?  LOL.  I'm so stuck to the stupid thing.


I hear ya. I missed the blog though, it’s my baby.


According to Andrew Hall Cutler, PhD, chlorella is not a safe chelator of mercury.  

"True chelators are identified by the presence of two dithiol groups. Many health practitioners and doctors use compounds such as chlorella, cysteine, NAC and glutathione, claiming they are chelators. But these are ineffective, because they are not actually chelating agents, as they do not contain two or more binding groups (dithiol groups), rather they contain only one thiol group. These compounds can make matters worse by causing redistribution of stored metals, by mobilizing them from their storage sites, but failing to bind and excrete them."



I have and opposing point of view that I obtained from Natural News, a portion of the document linked to below says “I’ve just completed research across nearly a dozen chlorella brands and manufacturers, and I’ve conclusively documented the fact that they all bind with and capture dietary mercury with very high efficiency. They also show strong affinity for binding with aluminum and uranium, as is detailed below. At the same time, chlorella showed little or no ability to bind with lead, cadmium, arsenic and cesium. So it’s very important to understand what chlorella can and cannot do.” http://www.naturalnews.com/044369_chlorella_heavy_metals_mercury.html#ixzz334j10UBf

So, obviously, this is a situation of two opposing points of view. I think your comment is worth looking into. I do know when I first started taking chlorella, it has an amazingly positive effect on my digestive system, it registered as something good to my system. But I never rest on my own laurels, That is one of those things where I would have to decide am I better off without chlorella or with it. As I love to research stuff, I am going to look into this further. My thought process will be: “Has this product been used historically, with evidence that the users were and are healthier? Also, are there other benefits besides the mercury issue?” Thus, I don’t have to worry about the mindset of trying to figure out what scientific processes work or don’t work within withing the body, if a superfood has been used traditionally (as it seems Chlorella has been used extensively in traditional Chinese Medicine and so forth), then there I would expect there to be benefits for me. .. Thanks for commenting…………


I dug into the paper from which this quote came thoroughly and it is a very good read, that I must admit, did provoke more thinking on this issue. To be honest, it doesn’t deem like somethig I can just shun and throw in the trash. I think the question I’m now looking into is the whole concept of “What is good/bad for Chelation?”. Along with that, Chelation seem to apply to those with mercury poisioning or toxidity, Does the same rules apply to “normal people” and their daily wellness maintenance? Put a different way, is Chlorella (and Cilantro) not adviaseable for those with mercury poisioning and toxic levels of metal, but valuable for normal physical maintenance. that’s kind of where my mind is leaning, but I wanna prove that out. Not to prove I’m right, but to understand what I am putting in my body. I love these kinds of comments, because I am learning also, and I always dig deep and find the right solutions for me.


The full paper form where Kelly’s comment came from is at this link http://www.livingnetwork.co.za/chelationnetwork/chelation-the-andy-cutler-protocol/

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a.k.a. “Watching You”
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The GAIA Health Blog
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(BELOW) Links to my favorite sites who are ”Raging Against the Machine”
(and also some fun cooking blogs)

One Bold Soul: Artist and Writer

(…”Healthy but Smart” is one of the best websites I’ve found, if you want to find unbiased, informative, and understandable research and info on superfoods and so forth, to aid in taking your health back!!)

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(same name, different blog, no need to fight about it)

Real Food Freaks

Kim’s “Nutritionally Well”

Special ‘shout out’ to this food blogger. Totally different style than me, but my favorite food blog in creativity. She inspired me to start my ‘Dinner and a Movie’ and “Wanderlust Food Diaries’ articles.
