In planning what I call “The Great Escape”, that is my carefully orchestrated, planned exodus from the frigid northern climate and city living, to the a more easygoing (but upscale) life in the tropics, In my recent trip to the British Virgin Islands, I did quite a bit of research and fact finding about organic farming in the islands.
Since I am so immersed in organic eating and healthy food choices, one objective of the trip would be to determine how to get my steady supply of organic produce.
As the next man needs his daily McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets, my body demands it’s daily dose of Organic Power Smoothies. If I can’t get my organic produce consistently while living in the Tropics, then my whole dream will fall apart.
But, I found on my trip, that sustainable farming practices and organic farming is starting up and kicking in, even down in the islands. The dream is still alive!!
I found out down there that there is a growing demand for organic produce from the upscale boating and yachting sect, as well as restaurants who want to cater to the growing legions of American, Canadian , and Western European…….
…… socially conscious tourists, and regular “Real Food Freaks” like me, if I may temporarily borrow that phrase from the word of one of my favorite bloggers on my lower right sidebar.
The first stop on this sleuthful, “organic expedition” is Tortola, the the main big island in the British Virgin Islands Chain, on the the Breezy and picturesque north shore, at Turnbull Estate to
Good Moon Farm.
I am so happy to see a project like this because, Good Moon Farm is not just a patch of land growing a few veggies.
If has evolved into an enterprise that is picking up steam and more importantly picking up paying customers, now supplying private villas, restaurants, and also with two “Outlets stores”……
……to distribute their fresh organic produce. You can even order over the web based upon availability, and your fresh produce will be waiting to go.
I find it more fun, however, to shop by visiting the farm personally, to pick the freshest and best right off the vine, to learn a little more about new veggies and herbs they are trying…..
……and to get educated about how to get my own organic orchard and herb garden started when I move.
Fellas, let me tell you it makes a great Island date or excursion to stop at Good Moon Farm, pick some fresh tomatoes right off the vine, rinse them down with some sparkling spring water…..
…… whip some pink Himalayan Salt out of the backpack, sit on the bench and just enjoy a moment of pure “in the moment”.
The other stop in my Island Hopping Organic Quest, an equally intriguing story, on Guana Island, near the main Island of Tortola, and visible from Scrub Island where my upscale hotel was (and I use that term “upscale” with no shame 🙂 ), during my stay. Guana is a throwback, private island with one hotel, no phones, no roads.
Guana Organic Orchard is almost like the Garden of Eden. Guana Island is itself the last place on the planet where one can go and rejuvenate the senses, get back to nature, be true to living the moment, or shall we say, “Back to Eden”.
[below], Dr. Liao, caretaker of Guana Island Organic Orchard, at left chatting with tourist
There is a man there who has been running Guana’s organic orchard for over 25 years. His name is Dr. Liao, 80 years old, and he is, simply one of those people that when you meet him, you never forget him.
Liao is a hybrid of a Philosopher, educator, comedian , entertainer, someone who has found his place and purpose on the planet, and allowing that energy to come out through his careful, gentle, nurturing and mothering of the Guana Island Organic Orchard.
Pluck one of Liao’s organic mangoes off the tree, peel, and slice, have a taste, and take a second out of life to just feel the positive vibration of life all around you and in you.
So, I think I am well set so far as my organic fruits and veggies is concerned as it relates to my “Great Escape”.
It seems, I’m not alone in the world with passion, zest, zeal, for healthy nutrition, fresh foods the way they were grown in centuries past, it seems there are others such as Dr. Liao who are already ahead of the game, having prepared the land for me with equal love, zeal and affection.
BTW, it think after hanging out down here I know the real meaning of Bob Marley’s song, “Wake up and Live”.
[above], view of the beach of Guyana Island, from near Scrub Island, where I was staying
Anyhoo, all I have to do is, well basically nothing…..except perfect this new recipe that came to my head called the “3M Pizza” (Mango, Mozzarella and Marjoram Spice)……
……. and all I have to do is go to one my two organic farms, pick up my fresh organic fruits and veggies and I’m good to go.
[below] ORGANICS IN THE VIRGIN ISLANDS!!!…WoooWooo!!! That’s me below acting stupid down at Oil Nut Bay Private Community, on Virgin Gorda Island in the British Virgin Islands
Of course, going over to Good Moon or Guana is only necessary until my own organic orchard is up and running next to my outdoor kitchen. But I will enjoy every step of the process. YA MON!!! 🙂
~stay healthy~
A poem by Dr. Liao, entitled “Do As I Can”:
I sit on the sunset terrace
My back to the Caribbean Sea
My face is on the Atlantic Ocean,
My mind on where it will be.
The sea is so peaceful,
But the heart of the people,
Is indignant in the face of injustice.
For these, I can do nothing
But my thoughts, for the rest.
First, to sprinkle my love to everyone I meet.
Second, to do some good every day,
Such as – save resources, pick up garbage
Third, hope to be one of the good and honest people of the world. Â
Good Moon Farm Website here
Guana Island Website here
Bob Marley: “Wake Up and Live”
…you know how I “sling it” on my site, any excuse to post one of my favorite songs ENJOY!!!
…..also, check out my article:
“My Island”, Scrub Island, British Virgin Islands
…..also, check out my article:
Sustainable Upscale Living, Oil Nut Bay, British Virgin Islands
check out all my articles
in “Sustainable Gardening, Eating, Living”
(…..and all that jazz”)
4 Responses
Hi! We are taking our second sailing trip to the BVI in May of 2014. We try to only eat organic . We would like to know if we can buy our produce, eggs, etc from you. Also we would like to get organic chicken, meat etc for the trip. Can you make recommendations? Also a phone number would be helpful if we have more questions. Thankyou! Heidi
Hi Heidi, you should have a great time down there. I wrote an article strange enough on the subject from my trip. The place I got my food from was Bobby’s provisioning, the link is in the article..
You can see the selection at Bobby’s provisioning, however, I’m not sure if they had cage free or pasture raised when I ordered, as well as organic cheese and grass fed meat, so I just conceded the point and got the standard stuff like Kraft Swiss cheese and all the rest. That doesn’t mean they didn’t have it, I think they get organic stuff when they get it. When you click to the link you can email Bobby’s and ask all your questioning. As I mentioned in the article you commented on, Good Moon Farm is all organic and I think they can deliver to your boat and they have a couple of locations you can order and pick up from. Guana Island is such that you unless you are staying there, you almost have to tag along with someone staying on that island and take a tour of that organic farm, which may not be practical for a boat (they don’t have a real dock or anything like that).
So in the end you can find some real food such as Bobby’s Provisioning, but might have to look harder to find pasture raised eggs, organic cheese, grass fed beef and all the rest. Most BVI food is commercial food flown in from Miami and it super expensive, so Organic meats would barely have a market. So give Bobby’s an email, I thought I heard someone say they “might” be able to accommodate special orders from yachtsmen (and women).
Also, I have been web interacting with a woman over on St. John, she has a Site called “Eat Local” St. John. I know for sure, when you look at her facebook site, she talks about pasture raised eggs being sold at the farmer’s market. So you might wanna try to connect with her (mention The Gaia Health Blog via Facebook is how you heard about her touch with her), she seems like she knows a lot about how to get organics in the US Virgin Islands. I suppose you can could dock over at Cruz Bay, meet her, and hit the farmers market
her Facebook link is here https://www.facebook.com/eatlocalstjohn?fref=ts
and a video on those guys from the travel channel
You guys should have a great time. If you get to dock at at Scrub Island where I stayed, I recommend it, nice clean, uncrowded brand new marina, with a very stylish restaurant, incredible pool, I met the Chef, a really cool guy, would make a great day trip and perhaps overnight stay, and the wake up to a breakfast, somewhat expensive and not so Caribbean food, but great stylish chic atmosphere on Scrub. Scrub Island has a great provisioning store, with groceries, wine deli and all the rest, no real fresh produce however
I also wrote an article on Scrub Island, if you wanna take a closer peek at Scrub that article is here
It’s obvious I never recovered from my great time in the BVI I recently wrote a fourth article on Frenchman’s Lookout Villa that article is here
…and I actually have another article to write on Oil Nut Bay up at the tip of Virgin Gorda, a private community that is going up, that is the most amazing place
Wasn’t sure if you were asking for my number or the number of a place that sells food, but let me know, I’ll be happy to help out in any way I can. Let me know.
Doug Wallace
I cam across your blog and love it !. I’m looking for the same thing organic produce and I’m going to move to the Caribbean and cannot live without a steady stream of fresh organic kale, spinach, lettuce chard etc……do they have these there too ??
Hey Chris,
Thanks for the comment about my website.
They got enough going on down there and we will be fine!!!
Then again, if we got the cash to move to the Caribbean, the game is already won at that point right? Anyway, There is also a place on the US Virgin Islands side calla Villa Serendib, which is a resort willa with organic garden, where you can book a stay, they will grow your favorite veggies 6 months in advance so they are ready when you get there, they have a gourmet chef to cook for you or you all can cook together. Pretty cool. ! I’m sure all of these places will have no problem giving us starter plants, and they have done all the legwork about what grows best down there and so forth.
Willa Serendid apparently has spinach and I think kale, which I’m interested in how they grow those, because they are supposed to be cold weather plants, I guess there must be hot weather species as well.
Here is the link to Villa Serendib
Also, Oil Nut Bay, the community I want to move to at teh very tip of Virgin Gorda is starting its own organic garden, so the Organic “Veggie Gods” have laid the path for me. Even though the dream is to have a sprawling Villa with my own organic garden right outside the outdoor kitchen, I’m sure I’ll be working on the Oil Nit Bay organic garden, helping out, like a manual laborer.
Keep us posted on your “Great Escape” to the Caribbean, Ya Mon’
Doug at Gaia Health Blog