Why I Think Pink Himalayan Salt is Superior to Sea Salt

Read my comments at the bottom pertaining to the popular question, ‘Is Pink Himalayan Salt a Scam?’

Talking “healthy eating talk” to a co-worker a while back, I mentioned Pink Himalayan Salt which he never heard of. He said that he uses sea salt, and then asked me why is that I think Pink Himalayan Salt is better.

I said “dah, um, I had read quite a bit about both, let me go back to all my saved notes and links and get back to you”.

Since I save everything I research, I was able to show him a ton of reliable information on the subject. Now that I’m blogging, I just wanted to present some of that information here. My personal philosophy on presenting a case on something is to just present those facts that the person can at least go out and confirm for themselves. Here are some of the main bullet points that I presented to him.

– Sea salt may dehydrate the body whereas Himalayan Salt helps hydrate the body

– Sea salt is difficult to digest and assimilate for our bodies because it is not at the mineral electrolyte size which is immediately usable in our blood and cells (I know that’s a mouthful)

– No digestion is necessary for Himalayan Salt, therefore it is ready for immediate use by the body when dissolved in water, unlike sea salt.

– Himalayan Salt [supposedly] contains all the 84 minerals in the perfect balance
(though as with any salt, Pink Himalayan Salt is still mostly sodium, and many of the other minerals are in “trace” amounts or even “negligible”, but they are in they are in the proportions that nature intended, assuming this salt is truly unrefined, and remember, some estimates have reserves of Pink Salt to be a half billion tons, so we must assume there will be variations in mineral content, there is much heated debate on the web to the validity of this point)

– Himalayan Salt is unrefined, and almost in it natural state as it was when created hundreds of million of years ago, over 80% of Sea Salts are now refined in some way (not Celtic Sea Salt however, from what I understand, Celtic Sea Salt is still seen as another quality Salt, and I’m sure there are others, but you have to know what you buying, not just go by the name “Sea Salt”)

– Sea salt can be taken from oceans whose waters have become progressively more toxic waters over the last few decades

– Manufacturers are now playing games with the “sea salt” label. Any salt can be labeled sea salt and still be a refined salt with a weak mineral profile.

– Unlike Sea Salt, Himalayan salt is almost always hand mined and never comes in contact with chemicals that may be harmful to the body.

– I want to do more research to confirm this for sure, but as I understand it, Pink Himalayan Salt contains traces of EXTREMELY important Iodine, whereas sea salt does not contain the all important iodine (I’m not sure if that applies to every sea salt, but it seems with any processed sea salt, the iodine is stripped away).

– My own personal note is that Himalayan Salt has a taste that is almost like a “sweet-salty” spice, it’s awesome

As a final note, I hate to be the type of blogger that presents a case by just presenting one side of a case. I did go out and look before writing this post to see if anyone was claiming that sea salt was superior to Himalayan Salt.

I came up with nothing, although I would have preferred one or two articles to present both sides, to allow a reader to have two competing cases to choose from. If someone has an link that speak to Sea Salt over Himalayan Salt, I’ll be happy to add it to this post.

Also, a few drops of Pink Himalayan salt dissolved in water for you workouts,  long distance running, hiking, or just in your watter bottle on hot summer days work miracles for keeping the body hydrated and replenishing the body after a workout.

I can confirm this one for myself. I am my own “lab rat”. It naturally does what Gatorade and the other sports drinks claim to do, without the fructose or other artificial ingredients.

When you drink Pink Himalayan Salt dissolved in water, you are consuming the energy and “essence” of the sun and the earth from deep back into time.

I know it sounds weird but the first thing I do in the morning, before I put anything in my mouth,  I have a large glass of quality filtered water and with an eyedropper, drop in a few drops of Himalayan Salt sole, from Pink Himalayan Salt crystals pre-dissolved in spring water, stored in an airtight glass flask. This daily ritual has many health benefits, and you don’t really taste the salt, it’s almost like regular water.

Anyhoo, I can “feel” the very subtle energy and vibration, like my molecules and my internal vibrations are being calibrated properly, on the right track for the day. I’m not making that up. Oh, and I buy my salt online at The Salt Works, and they have an extensive selection of not just Pink Himalayan Salt but other salts as well.

Is Pink Himalayan Salt a Scam?

(WARNING!!!! I get “long winded” below, but sometimes I have to “go lawyer” on the critics to present my case)

I think web research will thoroughly confuse anyone on this matter. Remember, I’m not trying to make any money here off anything, nor am I selling anything here (note this is an Ad-Free Blog).  I’m only presenting the facts as I have learned them, with my original goal being only to determine if I should put this stuff in my body everyday, which I have been doing for 8 years now.

I think Pink Himalayan Salt is guilty of being “Over Marketed”, with salt lamps and all the rest, but its a great product that is not a “Scam”. I put it in category of legitimate products that were over-marketed but because they were actually good products that were attempted to be brought into the lucrative American consumer market. The best recent example of a “latest craze” was Acai, a superfood I use, whose health benefits are verifiable, but definitely over-marketed, low quality versions of the product coming in, and so forth. Anyway, with all this web-confusion on a product, for me, I always ask myself one simple question…..

“Has this product been used for hundreds or more preferably thousands of years, and is it unprocessed and harvested in the same way as ages old, and do the native people that originally produced it still consume it?”

The answer to this question from my investigation is a resounding YES!!!

(an example of a resounding NO!!!,  is how we use Soy in the USA, which is NOTHING like how fermented soy was traditionally used in the Far East)

When I determine to use a product or not, that is the only question that really matters, because history seems to have a “natural selection” process in weeding out products of no value. That being said, the main Pink Salt mine is the Khewra salt mine in Northern Pakistan. The mine is supposedly the second largest salt mine in the world. The mine became active during time of Alexander the Great, after he got there about 329 BC. I’m not sure if any salt was extracted there before Alexander’s time. Supposedly, Alexander’s calvary horses were noticed to be licking the ground to replenish themselves, and it was discovered they were licking surface salt. After that, salt was extracted “unscientifically” all the way up to the 1800’s, as it was traded extensively as far away as Central Asia during various periods like the Mughal Empire in the 1500’s. Later on, when the British officially started the 1800’s version of modern scientific salt mining, the modern era of salt mining began there.

In general, extraction methods have not changed a heck of a lot, although some new technology, like trucks, dynamite blasting, tunnels, and machine tools, obviously comes into play today, but much of the extraction is still considered “manual”. When you see YouTube video of work at the mine, you will still see men using hand drills and saws as well as wheelbarrows to haul the salt rocks. Although unknown, some estimates have reserves of salt there to be over half a billion tons, which obviously implies there is a lot of “product to push”, and although I think a good product, as it goes international, much “hype” will follow, such as claims that it cures anything and everything (which I find a common theme of many healthy products).

Part of what I personally consider a “flimsy” logic for calling it a scam, is the very name itself that we use in the USA, Pink Himalayan Salt. I am assuming that is a “marketed name”. The salt is not actually mined in the Himalayan Mountains, in that the city of Khewra is south of the major mountain ranges, averaging about 1000 feet above sea level, much lower than Denver, Colorado. However, the groups of mountains that run east-west across the Asian land mass, being the Himalayas that we all have heard of, as well as the lesser known Karakoram and Pamir mountain ranges, and the Hindu-Kush mountain range, all blend together as one broad mountain range extending all the way from China, back west, thru Nepal (which borders on Mt. Everest and the other highest peaks), through Northern India, Pakistan, and even Afghanistan and to a certain degree, Tajikistan, formerly part of the old USSR.

In Northern Pakistan, the mountain range is called the Karakoram range, with the second highest peak in the world, named K2, and actually more peaks higher than 8000m than the Himalayas proper. Karakoram is separated from what we know as the the Himalayas by an intricate network of rivers. So technically, though it’s splitting hairs, high mountains do run through Northern Pakistan, but there, they are named something else, and even with that, those mountains are further north of the Khewra salt mine. Henceforth, the fact the salt is not actually mined in the Himalayan Mountains means absolutely nothing, to me, it’s just an “exotic” name for us Americans, the “Himalayan” name has absolutely no bearing on this being a quality product or not. My suggestion, to eliminate 90% of the scam claims, is to rename the salt to “Khewra Salt”, or the name we use sometimes, just “Pink Salt”. 

It is often also considered “rock salt” (the scientific classification is “Halite”), though I thought I have heard it also classified as sea salt, from an ancient sea bed which is now underneath hills and mountains. The pink color is from the mineral composition, though I’m not sure that “Pinker means Healthier”, I thought I read somewhere less pink is more pure? The colors of salt blocks can vary wildly, from near white to near red, from near transparent to near solid color, so there is not technically one true “pink” color to all the salt mined here. Like anything consumable, there will be “higher grades” and “lower grades”, I am assuming, just by how business works in the USA, lower grades have slipped into the USA at high prices. Same thing I wrote about with bogus UMF Manuka Honey.

With all the above being said, I think it is easily verifiable to establish this is a natural and historically used product, sitting in mother earth for hundreds of millions of years, and now being extensively extracted from underground. The only other question is find out, when the salt is extracted, is it being processed in any way? As I understand it, it is not processed at all, but I will see if I can find the specifics and put a sentence here after more research. But, in the end of this analysis, we must conclude that we are dealing with a totally different animal than processed salts, which are generally not the same substances extracted from the earth and sea, due to various forms of processing, like common table salt, and even some sea salts as I try to point out in this article, in which they often process out most trace minerals, leaving the sodium, and sometimes adding iodine. I suppose various grades of Pink Salt may be lacking in some minerals, and some or all may contain things like fluoride (fluoride in Pink Salt being one of the many reasons some call it a “scam”), but it does seem that we are getting exactly what nature put into the ground for use as nature intended it. Another [of many] reasons Pink Salt is called a scam, is because of other trace elements like mercury that are found naturally in the salt, and thus they say it can’t be “healthy”. However trace elements of mercury are in just about everything, as I wrote in my Safe To Eat Seafoods article, where I note the Alaskan Dept of Health says most Alaskan fish are safe to eat even for pregnant women, in spite of trace amounts of mercury.

In conclusion, for me, giving my opinion here and not stating fact, I think the Pink Salt is being heavily marketed (and probably overpriced) in the American consumer market (as every “latest craze” will be). For me, I think it is a great product (when you find a high quality version), and I have to go by what my body tells me, and what historical use tells me to use.

One thing I have learned from Wellness blogging and research, people put health and wellness stuff on the web for 5 reasons  #1- to make money    #2 – because some people are obsessed with proving their point right and will manufacture facts if need be  #3 – for whatever reason, some people like to “vent” and argue back and forth on the web (as opposed to what I find to be rare, which is healthy discussion and courteous/constructive disagreements in the exchange of ideas, to get at some sense of truth).  #4 – Though it sounds hard to believe, big business pays people to get on the web and stir up confusion, to stop people from buying natural products, so we will stick to their manufactured, often less healthy goods.     Then there’s #5 – which is me, (keep in mind I’m not for profit) in that I only wanna do what I can to try to put the best nutrition I can find in my body, and maybe show others. I might not get it right all the time, I freely write about my mistakes in my wellness journey, but everything is a learning process, I make my “adjustments” as I learn, and continue my “never been sick”, healthy life as I step through the process.

…hope my opinion helps with your thought process on what I think is a valid and important question.

P.S., sorry for being “long winded” here 🙂

~stay healthy~


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Making your own flavored Pink Himalayan Salts                                                     Grilling On Pink Himalayan Salt Slabs !!!!



check out all my articles in “Eat Smart”, the science of food (click here or on the photo below)

58 Responses


I completely agree with you that pink Himalayan sea salt is a vastly superior product to "sea salt."  Can you share with me where you got the information about it's benefits?  I buy mine at :  http://www.saltworks.com and can buy 5 pounds for $19 postpaid.  I am grateful!


Hi. The Salt Works is where I purchase mine also. A very good deal. Trader Joe’s also has it in a salt grinder for $2. My information basically has been accumulated over time from what I have read and the health guru’s I follow. Also My experience with my workouts and regular water vs. Himalayan salt sole tells me it really works. Mainly because I can feel that replenishment to my body after a workout as opposed to regular water. My ex girlfriend was a diabetic and I got her into taking salt baths in Himalayan Salt water and she got amazing results. I want to get on of those salt slab cutting boards as well.


Thanks, Doug.  I appreciate you taking the time to answer.  I will tell my husband about putting the salt in water after a workout.  He works hard physically and that will help, I'm sure.


Himalayan salt has replaced iodized salt in all of my recipes!  There are so many health benefits and uses!


I simply love it. I am obsessed with my salt grinder. I can even use salt shakers anymore.


So are you saying that the Himalayan salt is even better than Celtic sea salt, which is what most of the traditional foods bloggers recommend? I find that even the Celtic salt doesn't make me retain water but if we go out to eat at a restaurant , with all their iodized salt, I will wake up with puffy eyes and feel swollen.


I think you point about Celtic Sea salt is valid. A preliminary look at the information available tells me that it is a high quality salt. It seems the be harvested in the age old way without processing. It seems the health and healing properties are very similar to Pink Himalayan Salt. I think my article is speaking more to the manufactures who product low quality sea salts and call them sea salt. It seems Celtic sea salt is the real deal. My web company where I buy my pink Himalayan salt on line actually sells Celtic. I’m gonna give it a try, just to have a variety of quality products for taste and such. As I said in the post, if anyone has any other opinion I will be happy to add them to this post. If you check back in an hour or so, you will see my additions pertaining to Celtic Sea salt. Good question though. I’m in no way coming at this thing like the end all authority on anything. I have added at least 5 new things to my died since I started blogging, bases upon reader’s comments.


Interesting. It made me wonder how my chosen salt stacked up by comparison. While I buy both Celtic sea salt and Himalayan pink salt my mainstay for years has been Redmond's Real salt. Here's what they have to say: ttp://blog.realsalt.com/2010/08/comparing-real-salt-to-himalayan-celtic/
Looks like we're all on the right track!

In response to your other post on your chosen water for workouts, here is the one my 16yo daughter (my athletic role model) and I love: http://cheekybumsblog.com/2012/04/03/living-naturally-homemade-electrolyte-drink-move-over-pedialyte/ I would substitute "gatorade" for "pedialyte" in the wording but the effect is the same and don't you just love the name of her blog?!


I like the recipe. I’m a big fan of real honey, Actually I think I am gonna start adding this to my workout drink. Real “next level” stuff here. ~stay healthy~


What is your opinion of Real Salt?


I only heard about it recently but I got the impression that it was a legitimate salt because it is not processed via chemicals. I think the taste of Pinks Himalayan Salt blows everything else away however, with its sweet/salty taste. Although, I have never tasted Real Salt.


YDo you know where to buy the sole? This is the rock part that you add water too and just use the water and keep it going.
our Comments


You don’t buy sole you buy the salt rocks and add to quality water. Just add the Himalayan salt rocks to a sealed preferably glass container and the sold will gradually dissolve. http://www.himalayancrystalsalt.com/sole-recipe.html


I have the crystals.  How much would I put in a litre of water?  It is very vague.  If I want to pre-dissolve, how much water, how much crystals?  Thanks!  


You’re right, that website that I link to that explains it is very vague. With the crystals I put a bunch at the bottom of the glass container and fill with spring water and seal. The point is that they are only going to dissolve so much once the water gets to a level of salinity. So I let it sit there for a day or two. Don’t expect the crystals to dissolve totally however, unless you only have a few in the glass. For a liter of water I would use a small amount like 1/4 tablespoon. If also works if you have an eyedropper, and put maybe a half of an eyedropper in the water. Right now when I go to the gym I am simply shaking a few shakes of the Himalayan Salt powder from a salt shaker straight in the water. As long as your solution doesn’t taste too salty, which is subjective, you will be fine. I like to have a slight salt taste. Write back if you are still stuck.


Hello.. can you email me and tell me how much of this salt water you drink per day. I am needing to lose a lot of weight and am starting with a good cleansing diet with fresh juices, veggy soup, and eating mix veggies (broc, cauli, carrots). I want to do JUST THIS for several days, then begin to incorporate more veggies and some meats, etc. slowly. I thought I would also begin it with drinking this Himalayan salt water. I have the crystals, not big rocks and not powder. I am however buying a grinder tomorrow. Should I drink a gallon a day? I am sugnificantly over weight and have really bad bloating and swelling ankles/legs all of the time. Or should I just be doing it in the morning? Also, before I found this blog, I was planning to do warm lemon and honey water every morning. What would you do? 
Thanks so much for your help!!! 
Renea Taylor


I only drink a glass in the morning with a little wild raw honey and a little Ceylon cinnamon. I also drink a big bottle during workouts. When I used to try to drink it all day, I would get loose stools. I no longer worry about crystals vs. rocks. I simply shake some salt from a salt shaker into the water, it dissolves during my workout when I shake the bottle, or sometimes I will stir. I’m coming up with a list of dietary things to lose weight, stay tuned, but the top of the list will be to eliminate high fructose corn syrup from the diet, problem is it is in everything, so you have to start making your meals from scratch to control ingredients.


I need to know, does this Himalayan salt make you retain water like other salts?? 


I need to make sure I answer the question correctly. I never got the impression that Himalayan Salt will make you bloated like other salts, but that is just my opinion from years of use. Secondly I do know that Himalayan Salt keeps more water in your system, since I have read studies that post workouts with Himalayan Salt found test subjects urinating less. I find that to be case with me, but it did not seem like I retained water, I seem to look more “cut” and feel more refreshed as opposed to feeling gloated. So I think we might need to dive deeper into what you mean by “retained”. Is it that “water weight gain” I keep hearing women talk about. Or is it water being kept in the body and being properly utilized in the muscles, digestive track or whatever. I had got the impression that people retain water from salt because the salt is normally mostly Sodium and Iodine, and the body has to retain water to dilute this unnatural chemical balance in the body. Since Pink Himalayan Salt (and Celtic Sea salt) have 84 minerals in balance, I was under the impression that this abnormal water retention thing didn’t happen. This is a good question though, feel free to write me back because we may need a little “back and forth” to see what we are really talking about here.


Just keep in mind the importance of iodine.  Since Himalayan Sea Salt does not contain iodine, you will need to supplement for health reasons.  Your thyroid gland cannot function without sufficient amounts of iodine and your thyroid regulates many things in the human body, including metabolism.  Research the importance of iodine yoursef at http://www.iodineresearch.com.  Or at http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2011/oct2011_The-Silent-Epidemic-of-Iodine-Deficiency_01.htm?source=search&key=iodine
Toxins in our environment compete with Iodine in our body – including fluoride, chloride and bromide.  To rid your body of these halogens, you need to take higher amounts of iodine than the RDA.  I take 12.5 mg per day and have been able to get off my thyroid meds successfully.   If you are currently on thyroid meds, please do additional research before you take iodine. I got off my thyroid meds first and had great results.  I am not a medical professional and I am speaking from personal experience only.  My endocrinologist knew nothing of our country's iodine deficiency, which doesn't surprise me given that medical doctors are taught only about pharmaceuticals and not nutraceuticals.  But she couldn't argue with the results.  My thyroid levels are normal even without the meds. 


Thanks for the info. I can’t say that I knew anything about iodine deficiency (I’m kinda immersed in Vitamin-D and Magnesium Deficiency these days). But I’m here to learn as well when someone suggests for me to look into something, it is always a message. ~stay healthy~


My 18 yr. old son was able to get off his antidepressants when I started supplementing him with Iodine and he recently ran a marathon. He feels like he is finally really living.  My two sisters had so much more energy when they supplemented that they each lost over 20 pounds.  My 15 year old daughter finally got rid of her constipation, dry skin and low energy levels (all low thyroid symptoms but her pediatrician said her thyroid was "normal").  I tell everyone I know about Iodine insufficiency. 
I'm also a big believer in vitamin D3 and magnesium as well as zinc (immune function), selenium (thyroid function) and the B vitamins (stress response). 
Good health to you, Doug.  I appreciate your blog!


You seem to know your stuff. I’ve learned that when people write to me about something, it’s a message to perhaps put an article out about it. I got a gazillion articles queued up, but I will be sure to put something together on this. Thanks for the comment about my blog, I always love learning something as much as teaching something……….


Salt is a very important combination of nano elements, as mentioned above Natural Iodine not found in Himalaian Salt but contained in infinitesimal amounts in Sea Salt that has not been " washed"  along with 4 kinds of Magnesium, Silicium and the other 81 elements.
Toghether these result in the original chemistry needed for an optimal blood quality.
In particular respect to Natural Iodine, a Healthy Human Being living the normal life span of about 100 years would use about 2 grams of Iodine, women have a larger Thyroid Gland use the double amount, about 4 grams.
Iodine is also very important for pregnant women, brain deficiency in the baby can arise in cases of lack of Iodine, Silicium, Magnesium and others.
Thailand is one of the countries where Iodine deficiency has been found in every province of the country, also 50% of pregnant women are deficient, IQ levels have been falling drastically in the last 30 years although Iodate Potassium has been added to the harvested and refined  salts.
Only Natural Iodine can redress the problem but the World Health Organization would not allow such knowledge otherwise their lucrative business of selling the chemical Iodate would not be profitable, ( 40 dollars / kilo) , billions of kilos are sold annually to all countries in the world, there is even an Ambassador who visits high Government Authorities to convince them to create laws to force Salines to add the Iodate. The Ambassador is always a well known figure who acts as a salesman, the last one was James Bond himself, Mr.Roger Moore.
For millions of years people consumed Natural Salts, in the last 70  years the Industry took over, Magnesium was washed out so Salt would dry, if Magnesium is in the salt it will always remain humid. Magnesium and most other elements are sold to the Industry, people are robbed of the most important elements and consume pure sodium chloride.
The four white poisons on men's table are Refined Salt, Refined Sugar, Refined Flour and Refined Fats.Wonder why there are so many new diseases? 
Hand Harvested, Unwashed Natural Sea Salt is at advantage over Himalaian because Oxygen, Nitrogen, Light, Movement are integral part of the quality of the elements. Rock Salts and Mountain salts have been isolated from their natural environement for too long and washed by sweet waters from rain and other underground currents. Comparative laboratory tests on both salts show a clear disadvantage for stale salts.
Dr.Jacques de Langre's research and books are a good source to study the subject.
About 3 grams of good salt a day is all we need…


I should add that the French Sea Salts have recently been forbiden to be exported to Canada because of high"  Led"  residual content and keep rising. North Sea waters are extremely poluted.
One of the best Salts harvested nowadays is from Portugal, Algarve, at a coastal Nature Reserve 2000 years old Saline, its terraces are covered with clay and the waters are allowed in when the southern Atlantic currents flow in that direction, it is the only salt to receive a full clean sheet for Heavy Metals, Pesticides, Fungicides or other toxic elements. Romans then Arabs then Portuguese were harvesting salt since those times.
It is also the only salt tested for Radioactive activity,, it received the
" Nature et Progress"  seal of Bio/Organic, very uncommon for Sea Salts.
The taste is also mild and light, it is used in Brazil as a condiment for the quality it adds to the food taste.The name is "Terras do Sal ", absolutely hand harvested.


I have been using Korean 9X bamboo salt for many years.
It would be nice to compare 9X bamboo salt with Himalayan Salt.


I never heard of it. But I’m sure there are several naturally harvested salts rich in natural minerals that we haven’t heard of in America


I've been trying and researching different types of a salts for a while and my personal conclusion is that the Himalayan Pink Salt is the best when it comes to the quanty of trace elements it contains but then the Celtic Sea Salt has a lower quantity but in higher amounts.
The trick I finally came with is, to use both type of salts and from different brands. Brands that I already researched and know. This way you will get the best of both worlds.


I totally, it is alwaysgood to bring things in and out, and try a variety of brands. I think with either or. you are miles ahead of using that poison common table salt.


I have read all most all informations and loved QA. I agree Himalayan pink salt is the best.


I have been using Himalayan Salt for last 5 years. This year I started to drink water with lemon juice with Himalayan salt. I prepare this water at night and drink it during the night. I noticed that each morning, there is a pink residue at the bottom of the glass which did not get dissolved.

Further research mentions that it is more likely to be iron oxide which the body cannot assimulate. So the question is does it help the body or will keep on accumulating in the body? It does not appear to be iodine.

Anybody – have you any idea?


I was looking into that a while back, I might have to dive into it this weekend, as I amalways curious about these things. I do remember whan I looked into it, it didn’t seem to be a big deal, I email you on what I find, however, this has been a salt used for two centuries, and I always remember people would not use it over the years if it was totally bad for you. Also, my understanding was the there are trace level of iodine, I’m not a believer that iodine has to be in salt just because they put it there, any more that flouride has to be in water. When I make my himalayan Sole that I save in a jar, that same pink residue is always at the bottom. Since I don’t know what is going on there, I always dump it out when my jar gets low just in case. I think those trace mineral like iron oxide are in everything we eat so I’m not convinced Himalayan Salt is containing somethig that the rest of our food is not. Some things that cannot be assimilated in the body are simply passed through the uring and solid waste, just as a general thought from a non-expert. Good question though, worth me looking into cause I’m always curious, and I use this salt all the time, and I like to know EVERYTHING about things I use consistently, but I’m not concerned about anything for myself. ~stay healthy~


When you talk about the eye dropper method, do you make a sole mixture and add a eye dropper full of the sole into a lrg glass of water? If so, what is the recipe for the sole you make to incert into your lrg glass of water with a eye dropper?


When I think about the sole recipe thing, I agree it is confusing. All I’m really saying is this. I have a large sealed glass jar about a quart I think that I put a lot of himalayan rocks in (though I have use different coarseness I don’t think it matters) and my spring water. After a day or two some of the salt will dissolve, the rocks get smaller of course, but they normally won’t dissolve completely depending on how much you put in. You should put enough in so they don’t all dissolve completely, that way you insure the salt water will be at its optimum level (when the water is at optimum salt lever, the rocks will stop dissolving). That large container sits on my counter for months and months if not all year. That solution is very salty, you can only drink a little at a time, so I add a few drops of it to regular water, especially when I fill my water bottle to work out. When I have a water bottle or large glass or whatever to drink a serving of water, I will take the eyedropper, pull a few drops from my salty solution, and drop a few drops into my regular water. If you want to just do one drop, that will give you the salt and nutrients but you won’t be able to taste it. I like to taste the salt a little however, especially when I’m working out, so I may often put several drops in. So basically, the heavily salted solution is used a few drops at a time, since my container is about a quart, that container last well over half the year. Sorry if that got confusing, if it still doesn’t make sense, feel free to write me back.

Doug W.



i cant eat salt it makes be retain water because of liver issues

will himalayan salt do the same?


Hi Donna,

To be honest, I’m not at the level where I could answer that question in that I have no health issues. I do believe that when you say you “can’t eat salt”, that doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t eat Himalayan salt. Just saying that because some people have said that regular salt gives them high blood pressure or other issues, but Pink Himalayan Salt has the opposite effect for them, in that it gets them more in balance. That does not mean I’m suggesting you start consuming Pink Himalayan salt, in that I’m not a doctor, just an average consumer who like to research everything I put in my body. I am suggesting you want to consider it, and consider that a real unprocessed salt might have a positive effect on your body, and consider is there a way to try a little, assuming there is no risk or danger in doing that I’m sure there would have to be some other people out here on the web who have been in the same situation. I would recommend however being wary of any websites selling Pink Himalayan Salt and promoting it as a miracle cure-all

Hope that helps your thought process even if just a little….

Doug at Gaia Health Blog


How would you compare Utah's "Real Salt" to the Himalayan Salt. Will you trust local production better then Packistanian?


I actually don’t know a lot about “Real Salt”. For me, local preduction vs. the other side of the world depends on the product itself, I do a lot of local and a lot of Global. Any local or other side of the world product can be bad and either can be good, depending on how they are processing the product.


As a doc of holistic health, this Himalayan PINK Salt is new to me… I have a Kangen Water machine and over 6 months found a 8.5 pH water caused me to have a 28 pound weight gain…when I talked w/them about it they suggested that the Water, instead of hydrating me, was going "around the cells" and that I needed to "push" the water into the cells and Himalayan PINK Salt was the suggested method of choice… so On the Hunt I went… I am waiting for my order from The Salt Works now, I was able to buy a small bottle at the local health food store… I used a jar w/a metal lid and just read today, a week later, that you NEVER use a metal lid and is best NOT to use a metal spoon … ok…now, need my order to arrive so I can get a new supply of water made up.  I am no longer giving my dogs the 8.5 pH water either.  The Kangen machine has a "clean water" setting which takes out all the metals etc from the tap water… and that is what we are all using….today, I added a tsp of PINK water to the dogs water bowls… will see how that flies!  

I did find that the Himalayan PINK Salt water caused constipation… interesting… I am also having to use Potassium powder from NOW to keep from swelling up from the PINK Salt water… My hubby is on Lithium and the Kangen high pH water almost killed him… too much of a good thing?  But today he has started w/the 1 tsp of PINK Salt water in a glass of water… will keep everyone informed of the progress…

I will say, that when we moved to Central FL in 2001 I developed what I term "old people's skin" … you know that crepey, wrinklely skin?  and it has started showing up on my face in the form of saggy wrinklely cheeks… but since I started the PINK Salt water… the dehydration … which is what the crepey is all about… is disappearing and I am becoming HYDRATED once again.. I can not tell you how excited I am about that!!!!


Hi Barbara,

The whole thing with the skin is pretty interesting. Please keep us all informed of your progress!!

~stay healthy~



Hi Doug

I very much enjoyed your piece on why you prefer pink Himalayan salt to sea salt… some honest commentary I think!

For what it is worth, I have been reseaching matters of human health enhancement for quite some time and have just recently explored the conflicting data and medical opinions with regard to the effects/value of salt on human health and the differences between refined/processed and natural salts.

While doing this I became aware of 'pure' Himalayan salt.

I had migrated to a very low salt diet for many years based on 'common western medical wisdom'.

I was becoming increasingly fatigued with a gradual reduction of mental acuity.

My blood pressure was inexpicably high.

After using 'pure' Himalayan salt (I chose white over pink/red both for cooking and for making "sole", although I'm not really sure it matters) for a very short period of time, my clarity of thought, energy level and sense of well-being have all improved significantly!

I was not expecting much and… can hardly believe this!

In this case, the research I undertook was with regard to adrenal fatigue and it led me to this discovery.

I must say… Very Well Worth It!!!

Best regards,



Hey Paul,

Interesting comment, I’m sure if will give people some motivation to consider the switch over. I simply love it, use it all time.

You’re right in that Western thought has salt as this “negative thing”, similar to eggs and cholesterol.

I mentioned somewhere in the article that colors or pink salt can swing wildly from near white to near flaming red. I don’t think it matters, but I thought read somewhere more white means more nutrients, but don’t quote me on that.

~stay healthy~


There is a wide range of opinion about sea salt and water here. What is good for our bodies and what is not? Facts point us in the right direction, but since we all have individual biochemistries, different nutritional needs, etc. it boils down to “Know Thyself.”

Several years ago I discovered the process of dowsing with a pendulum for answers that apply directly to my body with a degree of accuracy that is astounding. Otherwise known as Applied Kinesiology, it is a simple technique to learn and like every new skill, the more you use it, the more confident and accurate you become. You can hold any food or supplement close to your body (even a piece of paper with the item written down or a picture works), test for it, and find out whether it will enhance you health or the opposite. You can also determine proper dosages and time frames. Very useful tool. Saves a tremendous amount of time and money experimenting with things and trying to figure it out subjectively. There are many sources on the Internet where you can learn about this process and I highly recommend it.

A detailed recipe for Himalayan Salt Sole can be found here:

Water is the most important thing we give ourselves. We are currently benefited by cutting-edge pioneers who are working with the energetic qualities of water, finding low-tech ways to transform it from being dead due to all the negativity it has acquired from being recycled through pipes, stored human negativity, etc. to it’s original, pure, living state. Water has the same capacity as crystals in that it has memory, can be energetically cleaned and programmed. Dr. Emoto gave us wonderful evidence of that. One of the current geniuses working with the transformation of water is Clayton Nolte who wrote Introduction to Structured Water. Find out more (including scientific evidence) at: http://naturalactiontechnologies.com/

The means to good health is nearby, if we are ready and know where to look. Doug’s blog is a powerful inspiration to many and I am delighted to be able to participate.

Blessings to all,


Hi Bobbi,

Very interesting comment, I’m totally with you on what you are saying as pertains to everybody has to dig in and see what works for them. I personally think I am in tune with my body, but I may not have totally harnessed the gift, in that my body “talks” to me, like when it is time to add a new nutrient, when it has had enough of an nutrient, and so forth.

So far as salt is concerned, we simply have to think back to how it was traded in the past like gold, no way can it be bad for you, processed salt is the culprit these days, I don’t want to make it that simplistic, but to me, it is…………….

~stay healthy~


Wow, this is really eye opening. Like many, I started consuming the most common salt in the world. But of course with information (like this) going around, you realize there are healthier options. From that moment I took a halt on the table salt.

Before reading this article I have been consuming sea salt, but pink salt seems like a healthy option and have also never heard anything negative about it. So hopefully it has the same positive effects on me, if I see my body react better to it then I'll definitely be promoting it to friends and family.

Also, thanks for the link to the Pink Himalayan Salt, I've never known what brand to buy.


Hi Cris,

I think you are making a good call. Like I said in the article, there are many quality brands of sea salt out there (like Celtic Sea Salt), even at The Salt Works website where I buy my Himalayan salt. The problem with sea salt, it is such a general “catch all” name now, and that it seems anyone can pull salt from teh sea, and call it sea salt, even if it is processed salt.

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

Doug at Gaia Healh Blog


You’ll find nothing better than relaxing in a sizzling hot Himalayan pink salt bath following a trying evening (well, aside from possibly additionally have several

pieces of uncooked chocolate!) But do you realize with the addition of a cup or big ball of Himalayan bath-salt, you could enhance your easiness? It

has existed for countless years, including a good amount of nutrients and trace elements and ’s among the finest salts in the world, hailing in the

Pakistani Hills. In case you want to participate in activities that put stress in your own body, weight-lifting, including any high-impact workout as

well as the more gentle yoga exercises, white sodium not simply offers a a relaxing, comforting bath for the painful joints, it may also do amazing


Great and interesting knowledge about Himalayan. i am also a big fan of Himalayan salt and its nice products like stunning salt Lamps, Lick salt for animals, Salt bricks, salt inhalers etc because these are the big gifts of nature and i usually buy Himalayan salt products specially salt lamps and enjoy its beautiful effects and benefits. I highly recommend [ittefaqco dot com] for these Himalayan products to everyone because they have purest and refined salt and its products.


I heard a great deal about the pink Himalayan salt but never tried but I’m looking forward to try it. Though I used Himalayan salt product i.e. salt lamp. They are great, they relax the surrounding. I got them from Saltean and absolutely adore them. And I know one thing after your article that I need to try this salt too!


Hi Isabelle,

I’m actually the opposite, in that I’ve been really into teh salt, but have not been into teh salt lamps. I think I’m getting subtle messages that perhaps now this is the time, because salt lamps keeps coming up in my web conversations.

Thanks for reading and commenting

Doug at GAIA Healtyh Blog


Himalayan salt is really an amazing thing. Not just the edible salt but also other Himalayan salt products such as salt lamps and bath salt. I have been using edible salt, bath salt and Himalayan salt lamps for quite a long time. I just love Himalayan salt. It has so many health benefits. If you want to know more about different types of Himalayan salt then you can visit the given website of ittefaq.co.


I have read all most all informations and loved QA. I agree Himalayan pink salt is the best.


Thank you for taking the time and trouble to write your detailed research and views in three Pink Himalayan Salt.
What about Bamboo salt? How does that compare to The Pink Himalayan Salt?


Hi Carolyne Chua,

I’ve actually been hearing a lot about that Bamboo Salt. I run across so much information when I research and write for wellness. The short of what I understand of it is a very good Korean salt with health and healing properties, very rich in minerals, and if I’m correct, the most important thing is it is unprocessed.

I get my salt from and online company called the Salt Works ( https://www.seasalt.com/ ) , and they have so many interesting salts, like Black Salts from Bolivia, I know they also had a Hawaiian Green Bamboo Salt at one time. All of these are probably great salts as long as they are not processed and harvested and used as they always have been in their traditional sense, and as long as they are rich in minerals. Bamboo Salt is definitely one of those from the information I read. Though I have not seen it in any stores like Whole Foods, though one can easily get it on line.

In the end, all I’m really trying to say is that Pink Himalayan Salt is probably not the only healthy Salt choice out there, there seem to be dozens more, but as I said in the article, they have an estimated half a billion tons of Pink Himalayan Salt in the ground, and that product is heavily present in the American Gourmet Salt market.

But, you put the thought in my head, I’m going to check out that Bamboo Salt because I keep hearing about it and I like trying new things. And I want to be one of those people with a few interesting Gourmet Salts on a cool spice rack, just to have something different when guest are over for dinner. That’s just my thing, always trying to have something different in my home that sparks conversation 🙂

Thanks for reading and commenting…..

Doug Wallace at GAIA Health Blog


Thats great. We are premium Himalayan Salt exporter & supplier. Get in touch for further details.


Such a comprehensive blogpost! One of the best and nicely written article about Himalayan rock salts. All the benefits are nicely laid out, and I appreciate that. I want to share a company who helps me with keeping my health in check. “Himalayan Rock Salts“. They have rock salt lamps that, in particular, makes me feel relaxed especially in meditation. Once again, thanks!


I am using Himalayan Salt last three years for beauty and as well as health purposes. personally, I recommended Himalayan salt for use in your daily diet because it has amazing health benefits. after reading your post some things are new to learn. you are sharing the most genuine benefits of Himalayan Salt. All these tips and Tricks are very beneficial. this article proves to be very helpful for me. Thank for sharing


I have used Himalayan Salt for the Last three years for beauty and health purposes. therefore I recommended used the Himalayan salt in your daily diet and you can see the visible changes in your health due to its amazing benefits.

you are sharing genuine information about Himalayan salt. after reading your post I have learned many new things. Thanks for sharing this Authentic Information about Himalayan salt.

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“Body”, (Part 48)
a.k.a. “Watching You”
(…a “Locked Down” Summertime Slideshow)

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Bento Box Turkey Club
Roll Ups

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“Misty in Manhattan”
(Ballerina Misty Copelnd gives a tour of her Manhattan Home)

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Paleo Cod Lettuce Wraps

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Pinterest shuts down my Pinterest Page because of my Kolin Kaepernick article

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“Dressed to Grill”
…Sophisticated Skewers (Part 11)

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Cucumber Avocado Wraps

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“Music is the Best Medicine”
“P.D.A. (We Just Don’t Care)”
-John Legend

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Jamaican Jerk Skewers

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Ms. Rashidat Owe, Vegan, talks Detox, Fitness and how Yoga saved her life from Drug Abuse

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Chicken and Avocado Sandwich Bento Box

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“It’s a Beautiful Day”
(…for Ziggy Marley’s Pancakes)

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Moroccan Chicken Skewers

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Home Cookin’ !!!
(Great Homes, Great Food!!)
Healthy, Tasty Wraps, featuring
Kim White’s Cozy 296sf Crib…

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Cilantro-Lime Chicken Wings

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Michael B. Jordan Reveals his Body Transformation Secrets for “Creed” and “Black Panther”

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Cheesy Avocado Toast

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Black Owned “Foot Print Farms” in Mississippi Gets Meals to Children During the COVID-19 Crisis

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Healthy Herb Fries

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Girl Talk:
Beauty Secrets from Africa
(Part 3)

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Orange and Avocado Salad

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Cool Fitness Gear!!!
(Part 4)

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Fifteen Creative Five Ingredient Smoothies

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Fifty+, Fit and Fabulous!!!
Angelique Miles, Age 53 !!!
Wellness “Influencer”

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Pan Fried Cod in a Citrus Basil Butter Sauce

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African American Men are at High Risk of ‘False Positives’ in Prostate Cancer Screening

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Sheet Pan Roasted Spring Veggies with Eggs

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Planning the Perfect “Picnic Date” at an Esparanza Spalding Concert

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Chocolate Espresso Waffles

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“Sustainable Lenny” !!!
(…a sneak peek inside Lenny Kravitz’s Farm and Ranch)

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Collard Wraps with Citrus Slaw

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Beauty products marketed to Black Women more likely to contain toxic chemicals (…says a recent study)

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Spicy Chicken Meal Prep

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One Woman’s Journey into Fighting Acne With Essential Oils

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Lemon Chicken with Asparagus and Potatoes

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Black Sesame Seeds help fight Prostate Cancer (…easy to add to daily Smoothies!!)

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Eggs Fried in Bell Peppers

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Ballerina Misty Copeland’s
Five Ways She Eats, Trains and Lives Healthy

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Mediterranean Chopped Salad with Lemon Garlic Shrimp

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Men’s Natural Body Care
(…becoming an all-natural, GQ “Smooth Operator”)

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Farmer’s Market Salad

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Girl Talk: Natural Contraceptive Methods

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My Top 30 Superfood
“Power Rankings”
(….numbers 1 thru 10)

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Visual Medicine…
Amazing Street Dancers

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Rainbow Veggie Skewers

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“Loves Times Love”
(..a Bright Brooklyn Wedding Affair)

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Turmeric Fruit Salad

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Putting Monsanto in Your Vagina?
…Many Tampons Contaminated with Toxic Glyphosate Herbicide

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Mushroom, Egg, and Spinach Breakfast Wraps

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The Prostate Cancer Fighting “Fantastic Four” : Broccoli, Turmeric, Green Tea, Pomegranate

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Sheet Pan Sweet Potato Hash

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Toxin Levels in women drop sharply  just 3 days after switching to natural makeup  (…a recent study says)

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Simple Baked Italian Oregano Meatballs

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The “Gangster Gardener”
He plants food gardens on vacant lots all over South Central L.A.

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The “Green Goddess” Sandwich

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Men’s Health: Nutrients for Male Vitality and Well Being (Part 7)

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Chicken, Cucumber and Avocado Salad

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“The Wanderlust Food Diaries”
“Grab Your Hat, Here We Go”
…to Bajacu Villa, Turks and Caicos
Menu: another Tropical Lunch

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“Hanging” With India Arie
…On St. Lucia Island, Caribbean
Menu: Vegetarian Kabobs

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“Clean Eating” Bento Boxes

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Potato, Pepper, and Egg Skillet

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New Study Reveals Importance of Zinc in Prostate Health

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Summer Glow
“Buddha Bowl”

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Dinner and a Movie:
On the Menu: Healthy Philly Cheesesteak

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Almond Banana Pancakes

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Health and Safety Tips When Getting a Tattoo

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See all articles in “The Healthy Chef’s Cookbook”
(The Art of Food)

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See all articles in “Eat Smart”
(The Science of Food)

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The GAIA Health Blog
Ranked in Top 100 Health Blogs!!!

…and top 100 Natural Food Blogs for 2018

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(BELOW) Links to my favorite sites who are ”Raging Against the Machine”
(and also some fun cooking blogs)

One Bold Soul: Artist and Writer

(…”Healthy but Smart” is one of the best websites I’ve found, if you want to find unbiased, informative, and understandable research and info on superfoods and so forth, to aid in taking your health back!!)

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(same name, different blog, no need to fight about it)

Real Food Freaks

Kim’s “Nutritionally Well”

Special ‘shout out’ to this food blogger. Totally different style than me, but my favorite food blog in creativity. She inspired me to start my ‘Dinner and a Movie’ and “Wanderlust Food Diaries’ articles.
